Establishment of the Parent Advisory Committees reviewcomment The school district shall present the local control and accountability plan to the parent advisory committee (PAC) and the English learner parent advisory committee (EL PAC) for review and comment before it considers the adoption of the local control and accountability plan. Education Code section (a)(1) Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) English Learner Parent Advisory Committee (EL PAC) LCAP Review & Comment Review & Comment DRAFT
English Learner Parent Advisory Council (EL PAC) The governing board of a school district shall establish an English learner parent advisory committee if the enrollment of the school district includes at least 15 percent English learners and the school district enrolls at least 50 pupils who are English learners. Education Code section 52063(b)(1) This subdivision shall not require the governing board of the school district to establish a new English learner parent advisory committee if the governing board of the school district already has established a committee that meets the requirements of this subdivision. Education Code section 52063(b)(2)
Composition of DELAC DISTRICT ENGLISH LEARNER ADVISORY COMMITTEE (DELAC) NORTH 10 representatives 2 alternates SOUTH 10 representatives 2 alternates ISIC 10 representatives 2 alternates EAST 10 representatives 2 alternates WEST 10 representatives 2 alternates
Parents /guardians of English Learners DELAC members will select two parents/legal guardians from within their ESC/ISIC as members of the PAC Process for Electing Members of the PAC
Parents/Guardians of students who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals Each School Site Council will select one parent to send to a convening in the ESC/ISIC Parents/Guardians of students who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals An election will occur among parents in the ESC/ISIC to determine 2 ESC parent/guardian representatives to serve on the District Parent Advisory Committee Process for Electing Members of the PAC
Parents/guardians selected at large Each School Site Council will select one parent to send to a convening in the ESC/ISIC Parents/guardians selected at large An election will occur among parents in the ESC (and ISIC) to determine 2 ESC parent/guardian representatives to serve on the District Parent Advisory Committee Process for Electing Members of the PAC
Legal guardians of foster youth From a centrally convened body of group home administrators, foster caregivers, and legal guardians of foster youth, 2 members representing each ESC (and ISIC) will be elected Process for Electing Members of the PAC
Family and Community Outreach LCFF Informational Meetings covering changes to the State and Federal accountability systems: ESC East, Saldivar Room ESC South, Banneker Sp. Ed. Center ESC North, Michelle Obama ES ESC West, Dorsey HS ESC West, Webster MS ESC South, Location TBD Additional meetings in ESC East and ESC North will be held. Detail are forthcoming and will be available on the LAUSD Families Home Page and ESC Parent and Community Engagement websites.
Rowena Lagrosa, Executive Director 1360 West Temple St. Los Angeles, CA (213) ESC North Marilú Pigliapoco ESC West Sara Lasnover ESC South René Robinson ESC East Dr. Fatima Castañeda-Gutierrez ISIC Dr. Kevin Baker