A quick look at the mission statements of a variety of schools and districts will reveal at least an awareness and belief that all students deserve equality in instruction: “To prepare and educate students to maximize their potential in becoming productive members of society.” Edgewood ISD, San Antonio, TX “To prepare all students to graduate with the knowledge and skills to become productive and responsible citizens.” Dallas ISD, Dallas, TX “The teachers, administrators and staff of the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) believe in the equal worth and dignity of all students and are committed to educate all students to their maximum potential.” Los Angeles USD, Los Angeles, CA
Banks and Banks (2013) describe the progress made for ensuring educational equality for students with disabilities with the passage of the Individuals with Disabilities Act. Some important provisions include: › Schools must educate all children with disabilities › Unbiased Full and Individual Evaluations › Students must be included in the Least Restrictive Environment
Some of the challenges faced in schools today as outlined by Banks and Banks (2013) include: › Bridging the gap between research and practice › Improving cooperation and collaboration among general and special education teachers › Providing effective early childhood intervention programs › Facilitating the transition from school to employability › Creating relevant Individual Education Plans (IEP’s) for students with disabilities from diverse backgrounds and cultures.
According to Deshler (2003) the causes for the gap between research and practice are caused by four main factors. 1. Division between researchers and practitioners 2. Limited relevance of research from the practitioners’ perspective 3. Researcher’s inability to produce usable interventions 4. Limited opportunities for relevant professional development
Deshler (2003) provided the following recommendations to leaders attempting to close the gap between research and practice. 1. Support research and development that acknowledges contextual realities of students with disabilities. 2. Link research to IDEA 3. Support research that specifically targets issues of scalability and sustainability 4. Ensure Federal research agencies are structured so that design principals promote quality research and effective knowledge utilization
Robinson and Buly (2007) identified some obstacles to effective collaboration between general and special education teachers. › Lack of shared language › “Polite polarization” – act of trying to get along rather than truly collaborating
Solutions to overcome obstacles as outlined by Robinson and Buly (2007) are as follows: › 1. Read to Learn – examine different perspectives in literature › 2. Open Dialog – discuss differences in pedagogy and methodology › 3. Research and Write Together › 4. Attend Conferences Together › 5. Co-Teach › 6. Program Change – change teacher preparation programs to integrate disciplines
Research links effective early childhood programs with success in life (Hofkins, 2010). › Some important components of an effective early childhood program are: Employing qualified staff (Hofkins, 2010) Implementing developmentally appropriate curriculum and practices
Some ways that schools can facilitate a student’s transition from school to post- secondary employment are: › Transition programs such as job coaching and sheltered instruction › Career and Technology Programs › Partnerships with Community Colleges › Assisting parents with accessing community resources for post-secondary students
A student’s IEP should address the needs of the student as well as any accommodations and/or modifications that the student may need. When considering instructional strategies for students with special needs from culturally diverse backgrounds, Hart (2009) makes the following suggestions: › Maintain a flexible environment – increased wait time, increased opportunities for speaking, reward participation › Spontaneous language use - allow code switching, accept answers in either language, provide visual representations of oral lessons › TPR – Total physical response › Grouping – cooperative groups, class-wide peer tutoring › Specific behavioral strategies – social skills training, role playing, self-monitoring techniques, direct instruction on “unwritten rules” of the classroom environment
Most school districts acknowledge and believe that all students have the capacity to learn and deserve to be educated to their greatest potential. In order to make this belief a reality, educational leaders must continue to develop strategies and improvement plans that ensure students with disabilities are provided a quality education on par with their typically developing peers.
Banks, J. A., & McGee Banks, C. A. (2013). Multicultural education: Issues and perspectives (8th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Deshler, D. D. (2003). Intervention research and bridging the gap between research and practice. Learning Disabilities: A Contemporary Journal, 1(1), 1-7. Robinson, L., & Buly, M. R. (2007). Breaking the language barrier: Promoting collaboration between general and special educators. Teacher Education Quarterly, 34(3), Hofkins, D. (2010). The intellectual challenge of early childhood education. Education Journal, (120), 10. Hart, J. E. (2009). Strategies for culturally and linguistically diverse students with special needs. Preventing School Failure, 53(3), References