IHE Workshop – June 2007What IHE Delivers 1 Nicholas Steblay Boston Scientific Implantable Device Cardiac Observations (IDCO) Profile
IHE Workshop – June Implantable Cardiac Devices Pacemakers – therapy for heart rate problems Defibrillators – therapy for life threatening heart rhythms Cardiac Resynchronization – therapy for congestive heart failure
IHE Workshop – June Device Interrogations Implant Clinic Home The act of retrieving data from implanted cardiac devices. Done at implant or during patient follow-ups. Information includes Patient and Device Observations, and Therapy Settings
IHE Workshop – June Clinical Process – Device Follow-up 3.1 Schedule Follow- ups 3.2 Exam Patient & Interrogate Device 3.3 Analyze Information Schedule In Clinic Follow-ups Schedule Remote Follow-ups Exam Patient (Physical & Lab Tests If Needed) Interrogate Device In Clinic Interrogate Device Remote Review Exam and Interrogation Information Determine New or Adjusted Therapies 3.4 Adjust Therapy and Configure Device Pharmalogical Configure and Test Pulse Generator 3.5 Update Medical Record Record and Follow-up Process and Outcomes Record Pertinent Data Concerning Device and Pharmalogical Sign-Off Procedure Create Follow- up Summary (Referral Letter) for Following Physician 1.0 Diagnosis 2.0 Implant 3.0 Device Follow-up 4.0 Patient Follow-up 5.0 Acute Events Explants Level 0 Level 1 Level 2
IHE Workshop – June Implantable Cardiac Device Follow-up Problems and Opportunities Electrophysiologists follow patients with implantable cardiac devices from multiple vendors For each patient follow-up information that is stored in the implantable device is electronically collected by an “interrogating” device In-Clinic – Programmer Remote – Communicator / Data Collector Each “interrogating” device is vendor proprietary The follow-ups can occur in-clinic or remotely in the home healthcare environment Access to follow-up information often requires clinicians to use multiple vendor specific systems and interfaces, complicating efficiency and quality of workflows Aggregation of data into a central EMR or device clinic management systems requires manual and paper processes
IHE Workshop – June IDCO Value Proposition Enable management of follow-up information in a central system such as an Device Clinic Management System or EMR Improve efficiency and quality of related clinical processes Single point of access for information Automation of current manual processes for data collection, aggregation and analysis Standardization of workflow processes Enabling of analytics
IHE Workshop – June IDCO Profile Approach Rally domain vendors around a profile that defines a standard approach to integrating implantable cardiac device follow-up information into a receiving clinic system Enable the needed systems integration by profiling the use of standard, domain applicable messaging protocols, structures and data semantics HL7 v2.5 ORU message ISO/IEEE Point of Care Medical Device Communication Standards nomenclature Define actors, transactions and constraints consistent with existing and evolving IHE profiles and contexts Align with EP Workflow and other related profiles
IHE Workshop – June IDCO Profile Use Cases In-Clinic Implants or Follow-ups Patients present themselves in-clinic for implantation or follow-ups Information is collected using vendor specific “programmers” Information is sent from interrogation system to a central Device Clinic Management System or EMR Remote Follow-ups Patients devices are interrogated in the home health care environment Information is collected using vendor specific communication devices and systems Information is sent from interrogation system to a central Device Clinic Management System or EMR
IDCO Profile Systems Model
IHE Workshop – June IDCO Actors and Transaction
IHE Workshop – June IDCO Actors Observation Creator - A system that creates and transmits diagnostic or therapeutic observational data. Observation Processor and Repository – Systems that receive clinical observations and further process them or store them for retrieval and display. Grouped with PIX and PAM actors for patient identification and demographics management.
IHE Workshop – June IDCO Actors Alternative Actor configuration HL7 Router - A system that receives HL7 messages, routes them to one or more configured actors, and handles transport level acknowledgements. Router will manage patient identification cross-referencing
IHE Workshop – June Potential Participants Observation Creator Implantable Cardiac Device Vendors Observation Processor and Repository EMR, CIS or Device Clinic Management System Vendors HL7 Router Integration Engine Vendors Others (?)
IHE Workshop – June IDCO Transaction CARD-12 Unsolicited HL7 v2.5 ORU message Observation values coded using ISO/IEEE IDC nomenclature Option for embedded PDF report Audit Trail and Node Authentication (ATNA) profile recommended for remote follow-ups across non-trusted networks
IHE Workshop – June IDC Nomenclature Containment Tree
IHE Workshop – June HL7 2.5 ORU OBX-4 Used for Containment
IHE Workshop – June Example Transaction Flow
IHE Workshop – June Potential Extended Actor Groupings Basic IDCO Report Display using Retrieve Information for Display Profile (RID) IDCO Data Incorporation into a Report using Displayable Reports Profile (DRPT) IDCO Discrete Data Storage using Evidence Documents Profile (ED) IDCO Submission to an EHR using Cross Domain Document Sharing Profile (XDS)
IHE Workshop – June What’s Next? Scheduling / Orders Waveforms HL7v3 CDA
IHE Workshop – June More info on IDCO Profile in public comment June 18 – July 16 Final version for trial implementation available Aug 1 st
IHE Workshop – June Conclusion With the increased use of EMR systems, the networking of in-clinic and remote follow-up systems for implanted cardiac devices, and the continued growth of the implantable cardiac device market, the importance of this profile to clinicians has become more acute. Strong device vendor participation in the IDCO profile development this year is an acknowledgement of this importance. As the IDCO Profile and associated standards continue to evolve there is little doubt that the use of this profile will be a critical component of comprehensive cardiac care.
IHE Workshop – June Questions Questions? Nicholas Steblay Boston Scientific (651)
IHE Workshop – June