Non-profit Financial Management College of Public and Community Service University of Massachusetts at Boston ©2010 William Holmes 1
GAAP—Generally Accepted Accounting Principles; IFRS, International Financial Reporting Standards; IASB, International Accounting Standards Board US GAAP—FASB, Financial Accounting and Standards Board (general); GASB, Governmental Accounting Standards Board (state and local government); FASAB, Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board 2
Budgets Profit-Loss Statement— Income Statement, Activity Statement Balance Sheet—Statement of Financial Position Cash Flow Statement 3
Spending plan for specified period Broken down by functional categories Consider direct and indirect expenses Uses cost or accrual accounting 4
Compares income versus expenses Compares for a period of time Includes functional categories of income and expense Indicates financial health of organization 5
Summarizes status of organization at a point in time Compares assets with liabilities Accounts for how assets are balanced with liabilities Identifies issues regarding assets or liabilities 6
Describes handling of income and expenses Determines net result of cash flow Identifies issues in cash management Identifies potential future financial problems 7