Most people think this business is “small time” Any business is profitable, as long as it is managed properly
Most people don’t treat their FERN distributorship as a business.
People think that to qualify as a business you need large capital.
It is like a businessman saying, “I will invest P1 Million in a restaurant, if the restaurant does well, then I will take it seriously”.
You must take the business seriously first!
Your FERN business has to be treated like any other business,
Stay away from “Dreamstealers” Don’t get into arguments-- unless YOU will be the one doing the influencing. DOUBT is big a killer!
“S.W.” PRINCIPLE Some Will Some Won’t So What!
Nobody, but nobody has 100% success rate.
Rejection is part of this business. Instead of getting discouraged….. why not learn from the experience. why not learn from the experience.
Do not focus on “Oh no, I was rejected”. But instead, focus on “Why was I rejected?”.
The biggest reason why doubt is such a killer… INFLUENCE! INFLUENCE!
YOU IF YOUR ORGANIZATION LOOKED LIKE THIS YOU will always be the standard bearer bearer of that organization. YOU When YOU doubt, your influence filters down.
Remember… 625 YOU Negative up 625 YOU Positive down,
Doesn’t it make sense that in order to succeed in a business, one must study ALL THE ASPECTS OF THAT BUSINESS?
Learn everything you can about : a)The Industry b)The Product c)The Company d)The Plan
The more you know, the better you can represent the business. The more you know, the better you can defend the business. the more effective you become. The more you know
The key to sustain growth is…….. TRAINING YOUR LEADERS! How can you train your leaders IF YOU, YOURSELF, ARE NOT TRAINED? Training builds confidence in yourself Training builds confidence in your leaders. your leaders.
If you want to have a large organization and the financial benefits (large monthly checks!), you must be willing to pay the price. You must be willing to miss out on a few parties, a few movies, a family gatherings, or whatever it is you do for recreation for a few months.
You must be willing to get yourself trained SO THAT YOU CAN TRAIN OTHERS. You must be willing to spend a lot of time in training others, so they can be leaders in their own right.
This is a nurturing business. Nurture people… Turn them into leaders! Turn them into leaders! The whole process … takes time! takes time!
This is “GET-RICH-SURE” not “get-rich-quick” “get-rich-quick” There is a big difference!
ALL successful people are focused.
Imagine, having an athletically gifted child. And you tell him to train in- Basketball Soccer Tennis Golf Swimming Skiing Bowling Badminton Hockey …….and then on the side, Karate as a hobby! Karate as a hobby!
Just think—will this child ever grow to be a world-class athlete?
Many people are like that child….. …then they cannot figure out WHY they cannot build their business. They join every company, every business, every new company on the block!
The number one rule of warfare…
Decide what you want to succeed in … then FOCUS ON & DO IT!
All Big earners in this industry know how to present
If you don’t know how to present the business properly… people won’t take you seriously.
If you only invite your prospective customer to a meeting instead of presenting on your own….. 2 things happen: a) They will think this business can’t be that good! b) They will think you are playing a “numbers game”by inviting as many people as you can and hope some will sign up.
If you know how to present you can bring the business anywhere… You can EXPAND your business at your own rate. The faster the better…
Imagine you have 1,000 people in your network base.. Now, imagine, you are the only one who knows how to present.
If you know how to present however... You can train 5… They can train their 5…
Can you imagine having 1,000 distributors in your network And they ALL are equipped & know how to present the product & business Of FERN?
Now… how can you possibly teach how to present if you yourself don’t know how?
Remember nurture and teach your people
People who fail only see TODAY!!! TODAY!!!
Focus in on what your organization will look like six months from now… then one year from now…. then two years from now.
Your financial future in this business will be determined by what you do (or DO NOT DO) over the next few months
Your future is staring you in the face
ALL SUCCESS STARTS WITH A VISION Without vision people perish
As long as you make sure that you avoid doing these 8 pitfalls, you stand a greater probability that you will make it in this business.