starter activity What makes an historical event significant?
What was the most significant event of the Middle Ages?
What is historical significance? According to a Professor of History at the University of Cambridge (Christine Counsell), to be historically significant an event or individual must pass the 5 Rs test: Remarkable (an important and notable event/person) Resulting in change Revealing (tells us a lot about a person’s time) Remembered (ways that it is remembered today) Resonant/’ripples’ (having an effect on future generations)
Your task You are give a presentation and argue that one of the topics below was the most significant in the whole of the medieval period we have studied. At the end of the presentations we will take a vote and decide which event we think was the most significant on the basis of the arguments and evidence put forward. You will then write an essay on which you think was the most significant.
1: The Norman invasion, 1066 2: The murder of Thomas Becket, 1170 3: The Black Death, 1349 4: The Peasant’s Revolt, 1381 5: ??? (mystery topic)
starter activity Can you remember the 5 things (factors) that make an historical event significant?
What is historical significance? According to a Professor of History at the University of Cambridge (Christine Counsell), to be historically significant an event or individual must pass the 5 Rs test: Remarkable (an important and notable event/person) Resulting in change Revealing (tells us a lot about a person’s time) Remembered (ways that it is remembered today) Resonant / ‘ripples’ (having an effect on future generations)
What was the most significant event of the Middle Ages? Your task Writing frame Now you have held your debate you must plan your answer. In groups plan the following: Introduction Main body of essay (development) Conclusion Now compare your version with the writing frame What was the most significant event of the Middle Ages?
Your task Assessment grid A student in another class has attempted to answer the same question. Mark her work, but remember be positive! In one colour highlight and explain all the things she does well or correctly In another colour highlight and explain the things she needs to change or improve Look at the assessment grid. What level would you give her?