Safety Message In conjunction with the coming festive season, the Police has launched OPS SIKAP XX on Sept.13, 2009, a week before the Raya Celebration and will end on Sept.27, Speed limits at State and Federal roads will be reduced by 10 kph. Lookout towers and speed traps will be used to catch reckless driver. Based on the Road Safety Department statistic an average of 18 peoples die on the road every day. Let us not become a road accident statistic during this coming festive season. Use the knowledge that you gained from the Defensive Driving training to ensure that your journey will be a safe one.
Remember! The Four Steps s Look Up and Look Ahead s Observation s Visibility s Escape Route
SEEING ZONE ACTION ZONE PLANNING ZONE o SEEING ZONE (Recognize the hazard) in which you are going to be entering o PLANNING ZONE (Analyze the hazard) in which obstacles and hazards can be focused on o ACTION ZONE (Avoid the Hazard) where you take action, Move your eyes at least every 2 seconds Check your mirrors every 5 to 8 seconds Take in all that you can see Look Up and Look Ahead Observation
How do we do this? Use your: Horn Lights Turn signals Hand signals Position yourself where you can be SEEN. Visibility Escape Route This is done by: Maintaining a proper following distance, Watching the side of road, Keep attention to on-coming traffic, and Observe rear view mirror.
………………………………………………..... You can make the difference!