January 27 th, 2011
Today’s Agenda Addy Meira – GSA Participation on Strategic Planning Process Dr. Patricia Tolbert – Orientation for Strategic Planning Process Sarah Lake – Education Summit BJ Enzweiler – Student Safety Addy Meira – Intramurals, opportunities, and elections Committee Time
Addy Meira – GSA Pres
Addy Meira
Dr. Patricia Tolbert Please check out the provost’s message at The GSA Reps are running meetings to gather information from their fellow graduate students In these meetings please explain the process and make sure there is free dialoge You will also be compiling a report from these meetings. We would like to see some general themes in your report, but don’t miss anything. So, be sure to mention everything so that those rare but good ideas don’t get lost. Have someone else at the meeting record the information See the questions on the handout If there is a group of people who like an idea, have them get together to refine it. Some typical answers concern financial aid and the national perspective of Baylor These meetings shouldn’t focus too much specifically on your department, so it is ok to discuss them, but don’t get too specific There are going to be two graduate students on the strategic themes committee.
Sarah Lake – GSA VP For a community involvement in student education Looking for tutors to help children learn to read for an hour a week. The goal is to improve the students reading level by the end of the semester There will be two volunteers per child This is only a semester commitment In the afternoon between 3:00-5:30pm Training starts the week of Jan 31, and is only an hour
BJ Enzweiler BJ is on the Student Safety Taskforce, which is trying to find ways to make Baylor a safer place. Looking for graduate student input on student safety concerns. These can concern lighting issues, to parking, and emergency phones BJ if there is something you can think of
Addy Meira – GSA Pres Intramurals – Men's basketball is currently 1-0 (next games: Feb 1 and Feb 3) Roster is still open – Soccer teams are being formed: men's team will begin weekly practices this Sunday at 5pm on the BSB fields All are welcome to join (we are still looking for any ladies who want to play! Spread the word!) – Remaining sports are softball and sand volleyball = start the end of march. – Dia del Oso tournaments: volleyball, tug of war, frisbee, etc – Jersey sales are ongoing for anyone who wants one. –
Addy Meira – GSA Pres Opportunities – Tutor Student Athletes – Anywhere between 5-20 hours per week – $10 per hour – Contact
Addy Meira – GSA Pres Elections – President and Vice–President – A candidate must apply in writing to the Council for the position he or she wishes to hold. Executive Cabinet positions shall be elected by the Council. Each nominee may give a brief speech not to exceed five minutes. Questions may follow not to exceed fifteen minutes. Voting shall be by secret ballot, unless the candidate is running unopposed, then the Council shall vote with yea or nay. To run for office a candidate must:1. Describe their qualifications for becoming a GSA officer in a brief, double-spaced one page document to be delivered to the President within one week of the election. – Secure a letter of endorsement from the chair of their program stating their support for the candidate to be delivered to the President within one week of the election. – Include their full name, student ID number, addresses, phone number, and the graduate program to which they are affiliated to the Executive Cabinet.
GSA Shirts $10
Committees Social Academic Policy Taskforce
January 27 th, 2010