Advice and coaching for sustainable business start-ups in the Brandenburg region 16. January 2012 Dr. Barbara Winde
Folie Integral Components Advice to business start-ups in the regions (so called Regionale Lotsendienste) Business mentoring service for migrants Start-up service for universities “Innovations Need Courage” for innovative foundations Specific support offer to young people until the age of 27 Business succession advice centres Additional experimental actions Main enhancing partnerships: “Founders Network Brandenburg”, advice centres, business development organisations, centres of technology and new businesses, educational institutions, chambers, banks, employment agencies, job centres and promoters of economic development RegioStars Award
Folie Objectives of the project Creation of new subsistence securing employment through self-employment Improvement of the entrepreneurial climate in the region Furtherance of intelligent growth Prevention of emigration of young, well-educated people out of Brandenburg Strengthening of equal opportunities and increase in the number of women starting new businesses Preservation of jobs by successful business transfers RegioStars Award
Folie Impact of the project/expected sustainability 2001 – 2009: business start-ups/business transfers Self-employment rate in Brandenburg increases from 10.5 % (2003) to 12.3 % (2009) 2007 – 2009: the number of women in self-employment rose from to (31.9 % to 33.2 %) positively evaluated in 2005 and 2008 In comparison to other founders the businesses remain longer in the market and create more jobs. In the new programming period the support of setting up new business will remain a key aspect within the OP of Brandenburg. RegioStars Award
Folie Innovative character of the project The project combines under the roof of a single guideline a range of career advancement instruments arranges service offers in the whole region and for important target groups has to include an obligatory counseling service for women works widely in the regions is of high quality with regards to product, structure and process, leading to high efficiency is intelligently balanced and transparent contains flexible elements for the further development of this service offer. RegioStars Award
Folie Thank you for listening! Gefördert durch das Ministerium für Arbeit, Soziales, Frauen und Familie aus Mitteln des Europäischen Sozialfonds und des Landes Brandenburg.