Revision How to help yourself learn
Barriers to learning
Barriers to learning. Poor organisation Confusing or poor notes to revise from Nowhere to revise Thinking that you can not do it Parents or other people Cramming (the day before) Too much to revise Not knowing how to revise Leaving it too late Bad memory Hate revising Not enough time Other things to do. Be positive and just do it Every little bit helps
Which applies to you?
Every single individual is capable of achieving success!
Make revision notes Reduce your work down to the key points & key words. to the key points & key words. Write these out. Cover them Talk it to yourself – if you get stuck look – but then start from the top Do it again
Make your learning stick To learn a topic; Repeat within 24 hours Repeat again for 10 minutes at the end of the week Repeat again for 10 minutes 2 weeks later Repeat again for 10 minutes after a month Be successful
ORGANISING REVISION Revise early evening Treats – have to be earned Set out the work in advance Concentrate
Pick out the key points andactively commit them to memory Talk, walk, write and repeat
I remember I forget So, ensure your notes stand out – use colours for KEY POINTS and key words
I remember I forget I will not remember if I am: Not bothered Inattentive Disengaged Uninterested Not involved It is important that I LOOK LISTEN TOUCH NOTICE DISCUSS WANT TO LEARN KEEP GOING
“I can not take out from my memory what I do not put into my memory”
Use the whole environment to help you.
These work for some people Mind maps
How to create mind maps
The “Laws” of mind mapping