Dromore High School Controlled Co-educational Non-selective years 50 th anniversary Pilot for revised curriculum
Specialist status in Science The Key stage 3 aspect of our bid was based around the implementation of the new Northern Ireland or revised curriculum In Science, at a whole school level, with partner post-primary schools and with our 3 primary school partners
New Science Schemes of Work
An ICT/resource technician
A presentation suite
Specialist school targets at KS3 Addressed classroom practice at department and whole school level Influenced school development plan and departmental action plans Addressed all aspects of the ‘Big Picture’
Raising Standards at KS3 through the revised curriculum An opportunity to teach the skills necessary to enable pupils to – - be better thinkers and therefore improve understanding - manage themselves and their learning - apply their learning to everyday life
REVISED CURRICULUM Nearly 2 years on ……….. ASK YOURSELF How have my lessons changed? What am I doing differently? CHECK! The Big Picture Your Subject Strand Breakdown of Skills Assessment for Learning Learning to Learn
CONTEXT Apply a context for relevance ASK YOURSELF Is there an everyday application? Does the topic address any of the Key Elements? CHECK! Is there anything more to be covered than there would have been before? To ENGAGE Learning
Curriculum Objectives To develop the young person as an individual To develop the young person as a contributor to society To develop the young person as a contributor to the economy and environment
Some Key Elements Personal understanding Mutual understanding Personal health Cultural awareness Media awareness Economic awareness Education for sustainable development
LEARNING INTENTIONS We are learning to - WALT ASK YOURSELF What do you want the pupils to have learnt? Which skills can be developed? CHECK! Not more than 3 learning intentions One involves the acquisition of a skill To EXPLAIN Learning
Assessed skills Communication Using Maths ICT
Thinking & Personal Skills Capabilities Thinking, problem solving and decision making Being Creative Managing Information Self management Working with Others
SKILLS Subject, TS&PC, UM, Com, ICT ASK YOURSELF Are there opportunities to develop any skills? Do I need to teach the skill first? CHECK! Which sub section of the skill area is being addressed Is it a ‘thinking’ or ‘doing’ skill To ENHANCE Learning
ACTIVITIES Active learning – pupil thinking ASK YOURSELF What do I want the pupils to understand about this topic? Are there ways to make them think first and work it out before you tell them? CHECK! Prepare questions for effective questioning Structure group work/paired work and plan strategy for active learning To EMBED Learning
SUCCESS CRITERIA What I’m looking for- WILF ASK YOURSELF What do I require of the pupils? How am I going to make this known to the pupils? CHECK! ‘ The more explicit you are about what you expect the students to do in terms of – - behaviour - methods of working - what a good piece of work looks like The more likely the students are to deliver want you want’ Chris Baker To ENSURE Learning
ASSESSMENT Formative / Summative/ Peer ASK YOURSELF How will I know that learning has taken place? Is there an opportunity for peer / self assessment? CHECK! Methods- work sheet, task completed, questioning, observation, test Feedback – comments?, marks? Competency and Complexity To EVALUATE Learning
Is it happening in the classroom? Schemes of work Whole school INSET on requirements Audit of cross-curricular skills Lesson observation during PRSD Pupil pursuit by senior managers or curriculum team
Key points Teaching skills improves learning PRSD can be used as a monitoring tool There can be recognisable differences in lessons Classroom observation is necessary