The International exercise on prediction and mitigation of emergency situations at the Varandey oil export terminal Within the framework of the Russian project “Development of safety systems in implementation of economic and infrastructural projects in the Arctic” the International exercise was held on September 30-October 3, 2008 in eastern part of Barents.
Exercise stages Exercise stages At the first stage shuttle tanker with crude oil that just left Permanent Marine Ice resistant Oil shipment Platform (SMLOP) fell aboard service boat, the puncture caused fire, suffered occurred, three members of the crew found themselves in water. As a result of the accident, oil spill was 800 tons. At the first stage shuttle tanker with crude oil that just left Permanent Marine Ice resistant Oil shipment Platform (SMLOP) fell aboard service boat, the puncture caused fire, suffered occurred, three members of the crew found themselves in water. As a result of the accident, oil spill was 800 tons.
After warning the government bodies, all forces and means of Emercom of Russia, local Emercom of Russia divisions, authorities of Varandey terminal, local rescue detachments were placed in operational readiness for fulfilling rescue works and oil spill localization and response. After warning the government bodies, all forces and means of Emercom of Russia, local Emercom of Russia divisions, authorities of Varandey terminal, local rescue detachments were placed in operational readiness for fulfilling rescue works and oil spill localization and response.
For the fire fighting there were used terminal service boats, helicopter with special rescue division was searching for the people in water, then delivered special fire fighting equipment to the tanker and evacuated three suffered. For the fire fighting there were used terminal service boats, helicopter with special rescue division was searching for the people in water, then delivered special fire fighting equipment to the tanker and evacuated three suffered.
At the second stage of the exercise there were built oil- gathering units for localization and liquidation of oil spill in open sea and shallow- water. At the second stage of the exercise there were built oil- gathering units for localization and liquidation of oil spill in open sea and shallow- water.
At the third stage of the exercise sea shore territory 5 kilometers long and 5 meters wide was cleaned from oil products. 3 thousand tons of oiled soil ware collected and utilized. Quality of works was inspected by Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Usage and decision was made to complete the works at the shore. At the third stage of the exercise sea shore territory 5 kilometers long and 5 meters wide was cleaned from oil products. 3 thousand tons of oiled soil ware collected and utilized. Quality of works was inspected by Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Usage and decision was made to complete the works at the shore.
Totally 182 rescuers and firemen took part in the exercise. There were used 6 super ships, 4 small size vessels, 2 helicopters, 17 units of motor transport, 11 different types of skimmers, 5125 meters of red snake and other equipment. Totally 182 rescuers and firemen took part in the exercise. There were used 6 super ships, 4 small size vessels, 2 helicopters, 17 units of motor transport, 11 different types of skimmers, 5125 meters of red snake and other equipment. Exercise was conducted by the Deputy Minister of Emercom of Russia A.P.Chupriyan Exercise was conducted by the Deputy Minister of Emercom of Russia A.P.Chupriyan.
Observers from Norway, the USA, Sweden, Denmark and Canada of the EPPR Working Group and voiced at the SAO meeting held in Svolvaer in April, 2008 participated in the exercise. Foreign observers were impressed by the scale and complicity of the exercise
The exercise showed the openness of the Russian Federation and readiness of the companies, government bodies, Emercom of Russia means and forces for the liquidation of emergency situations including oil spills which may cause irretrievable damage to fragile northern nature. It was recommended to establish informational and rescue center in Naryan-Mar. The exercise showed the openness of the Russian Federation and readiness of the companies, government bodies, Emercom of Russia means and forces for the liquidation of emergency situations including oil spills which may cause irretrievable damage to fragile northern nature. It was recommended to establish informational and rescue center in Naryan-Mar.
For the year 2009 Russian Federation plans to continue practical activities aimed at improving safety of population and territories, reduction of the negative perception level of economic development by different social groups via transparent control procedures of the safety of economic projects, sustaining favorable social and psychological climate by continuous informing population of the situation at hazardous facilities located in the vicinity of their residence, as well as of necessary conditions and outlooks for advance life quality, public and environmental safety improvement. For the year 2009 Russian Federation plans to continue practical activities aimed at improving safety of population and territories, reduction of the negative perception level of economic development by different social groups via transparent control procedures of the safety of economic projects, sustaining favorable social and psychological climate by continuous informing population of the situation at hazardous facilities located in the vicinity of their residence, as well as of necessary conditions and outlooks for advance life quality, public and environmental safety improvement.
In the beginning of September 2009 Russian Federation will hоld the Complex Barents Rescue exercise on the territory of Murmansk region. In the beginning of September 2009 Russian Federation will hоld the Complex Barents Rescue exercise on the territory of Murmansk region. The exercise is going to have 4 stages: The exercise is going to have 4 stages:
Stage 1. Elaboration of nuclear contamination danger early warning and mutual information system in regards to the accident with radioactive waste container destruction. Stage 1. Elaboration of nuclear contamination danger early warning and mutual information system in regards to the accident with radioactive waste container destruction. Stage 2. Practical measures of major traffic accident consequences mitigation involving nuclear contamination danger. Stage 2. Practical measures of major traffic accident consequences mitigation involving nuclear contamination danger. Stage 3. Fire fighting in the boarder area of the Russian Federation. Stage 3. Fire fighting in the boarder area of the Russian Federation. Stage 4. Liquidation of the oil tanker blow consequences accompanied by fire, human casualties and oil spills in the sea. Stage 4. Liquidation of the oil tanker blow consequences accompanied by fire, human casualties and oil spills in the sea.
It is expected participation of specialists from Norway, Finland and Sweden and observers from the interested countries. It is expected participation of specialists from Norway, Finland and Sweden and observers from the interested countries.