FAST HR Reporting Rob McMicking
So what should we talk about What did we discuss last year What have we done in the last year Demo of the new items What are the future enhancement requests Where do you get hung up the most? Administration Review?
Oh the promises I made
Oh the promises I made… …well I did do some of them!
What’s new and noteworthy New warehouse refresh process New refresh log report Calendar Control for Leave Reporting (coming soon) DOB calculations Data entry pages for Mail Group Admin Data entry pages for Age Stats and Reporting New Report: Employee Age Groupings New Report: Current Jobs with Labour New Report: Position Budget Details New Report: Detailed Leave Time Sheets Last IMUC was version Currently 4.3 Major release
New Calendar Control for Leave Beta copy Not released yet want your feedback
Administration Training There are 4 Key areas that are so simple and offer YOU so much control over your own Student application: Define Roles Groups Menu Access Basic Report Level Administration It will save you the time and effort of asking for help when you can take charge and do it yourself!
Define Roles This is where you have the chance to create additional User Roles and also have the ability to define any “Role” as also being a “Group”
What are Groups? By checking the “Group” indicator for a Role, you can allow members of that Group (all staff within the Role), to share data between them such as Group Pinned Reports and Group Dashboards. You could also define Roles and Groups to display by ‘function’ such as: Admissions Officers Group Department AO Group Records Staff Group
Menu Access – aka – Who Sees What Common question = “Why can’t Joe see this new report?? – is FAST broken?” Answer = “FAST is never broken….” All reports – new and old – require an administrator to decide WHO gets to see them.
Menu Access for Custom Reporting Pages
Menu Access You have a very fine-grained level of control over access in FAST – down to the report and even columns within each report! To assign a group to a report, just drag & drop from the Available Roles List! Everyone IN that Role, will then be able to see that report!
Report Level Administration - Intro Don’t like the look of a report for your institution?? – Change it !! Couple things you need to remember: Every report has an Administration Tab Only those with the Master Role will see this tab Modifying these settings will have a global impact …in other words these changes will apply to everyone using the report!
Stuff you can modify:
Don’t Forget your Page Notes!
Discussion Any final thoughts, questions, feedback or requests?