Where do our data come from? Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
2 A quick introduction to dynamicPET Photons!
3 How to catch some photons? Use a photon-catcher’s mitt …or two
4 Reconstruct caught photons…
5 Photon Catcher - Small Animal Scanner Opposing detector banks detect “coincidences” - emitted photon pairs CTI HR detector modules Pb shielding (front and rear) fov = 23 cm Hutchins, G & Rouze, N Spatial Resolution: 2.5 mm FWHM at center of FOV Rouze NC, Hutchins GD. Design and Characterization of IndyPET-II: A High Resolution, High Sensitivity Dedicated Research Scanner. IEEE Transaction on Nuclear Science, (5): p
6 Image over time…
7 Create time-activity curves for each region of interest