+ The Elements & Principles of Art Grades:1-5 By: Kelly Stegmaier
+ Purpose of this Activity To examine and understand the Elements & Principles of Art To apply and group the different Elements and Principles of Art to artworks To understand why the Elements and Principles of Art are important in creating Art *** It is essential to understand the Elements and Principles of Art because a person can't create art without utilizing at least a few of them. ***
+ What are the Elements & Principles of Art?
+ What is line? Line refers to a continuous mark, made on a surface, by a moving point. It can define a space, create an outline or pattern, imply movement or texture and allude to mass or volume. Absolutely essential in creating art, the line.
+ What is Shape? Shape is an enclosed space, the boundaries of which are defined by other elements of art. 2-Dimensional and Flat There are 2 types of shapes: Geometric: having clear edges when using tools to create them EX: circle, square, triangle, rectangle Organic: natural, less defined edges EX: cloud
+ What is Form? Form is a three-dimensional geometrical figure EX: sphere, cube, cylinder, cone
+ What is Space? Space refers to distances or areas around, between or within components of a piece. Space can be: Positive Negative Open/Closed Shallow/Deep 2-Dimensional 3-Dimensional
+ What is Texture? Texture is used to describe either the way a three- dimensional work actually feels when touched, or the visual "feel" of a two-dimensional work.
+ What is Value? Value refers to the lightness or darkness of a color.
+ What is Color? Color is the element of art that is produced when light, striking an object, is reflected back to the eye. There are Primary Colors: Red Yellow Blue There are Secondary Colors: Orange Green Purple
+ Again…what are the Elements & Principles of Art?
+ Let’s look at a Artwork Let’s take a look at this artwork and take the Elements and Principles of Art we just learned and apply them to this artwork. What Elements of Art are shown in displayed in this example? -Line -Texture -Shape -Color
+ Now let’s Review and see what terms you remember!!
+ This refers to the way something feels, or looks as if they might feel like something. A. Line B. Space C. Value D. Texture
+ INCORRECT.. Try again… Clip the button to the left to return to the question.
+ CORRECT!!! Go to the next question!!
+ When lines meet to form an enclosed area this is formed… A. Space B. Shape C. Form D. Line
+ INCORRECT.. Try again… Clip the button to the left to return to the question.
+ CORRECT!!! Go to the next question!!
+ This is an empty place or surface in or around a work of art. It can be two-dimensional, three-dimensional, negative and/or positive A. Shape B. Color C. Space D. Value
+ INCORRECT.. Try again… Clip the button to the left to return to the question.
+ CORRECT!!! Go to the next question!!
+ It is the path of a dot through a space and a continuous mark made on a surface. A. Texture B. Space C. Line D. Value
+ INCORRECT.. Try again… Clip the button to the left to return to the question.
+ CORRECT!!! Go to the next question!!
+ This is the lightness or darkness of a color. A. Value B. Texture C. Color D. Shape
+ INCORRECT.. Try again… Clip the button to the left to return to the question.
+ CORRECT!!! Go to the next question!!
+ They are three-dimensional— they have height, width and thickness. A. Color B. Space C. Form D. Value
+ INCORRECT.. Try again… Clip the button to the left to return to the question.
+ CORRECT!!! Go to the next question!!
+ This is what we see as light waves are absorbed or reflected by everything around us. A. Line B. Space C. Value D. Color
+ INCORRECT.. Try again… Clip the button to the left to return to the question.
+ CORRECT!!! YAY!! You made it to the end!!
+ CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have now learned The Elements and Principles of Art!! Now you can go out and explore different artworks and apply what you learned in this section to all works of art!!
+ Conclusion Hopefully you now have a better understanding of the Elements and Principles of Art. You will continue to use these processes in your everyday lives and creation of artworks throughout the rest of your life!! Take what you learned and Go Create some Art!!
+ Resources Esaak, S. (2012). What are the "elements" of art? Why are they important? Retrieved February 11,2012, from About.com website: Lovett, J. (1999). Design and Colour. Retrieved February 11, 2012, from