What is Art? What are the functions of art for society? Ask questions WHY and HOW an artwork was created.
Art provides spiritual sustenance Promotes spiritual and physical well being Helps us to conceive the divine Provides places to worship Commemorates the dead
Art serves political and social purposes Depicts the power of rulers Celebrates war, conquest, and peace Protests war and social injustice
Portrays beauty and truth Constructs gender and sexuality Art records the likenesses of individuals
Expresses emotions Records life experiences Art meets the needs of artists
Art Communicates Thoughts Elevates the commonplace Challenges our perceptions
The Language of Art Visual Elements: Line Shape and Mass Light and Value Color Texture Space Time and Motion
Principles of Design Unity and Variety Balance: Symmetrical Asymmetrical Rhythm Scale Proportion: The Golden Mean
Style, Form, and Content Expressionistic Realistic Abstract Content Iconography