United States and Canada Test Review


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Presentation transcript:

United States and Canada Test Review

What geographic factor influenced the settlement pattern in Canada? They needed water resources for transportation and survival What geographic factor influenced the settlement pattern in Canada?

Make a generalization comparing the vegetation of Canada and the U.S. The U.S. has more varied climates and vegetation

How does the distribution of languages reflect Canadian History? Eastern Canada was settled by the French and their descendants remain there today in Quebec

What is a major characteristic of a rural community? In most rural communities They participate in agricultural activities Cotton Belt

What is a benefit of globalization? It leads to a higher standard of living

What was the importance of the Beringia Land Bridge in early civilization? It allowed for migration to the Americas from Siberia

If you took a vacation to Canada to visit the Inuit, what part of Canada would you visit? Northern Frontier and you would Encounter American Indians Inuit English German Scottish

What does this political map show? It shows the political boundaries of the countries of North America

Why have the citizens of Quebec organized efforts to gain independence from Canada? They are different from the rest of Canada: Speak a different language (French) Have different beliefs/culture

What benefit have the U. S What benefit have the U.S. and Canada gained from construction dams and reservoirs? They are able to supply inexpensive electricity

What technological innovation allowed for the growth of urban centers in areas of extreme heat? Air Conditioning Las Vegas

Why does the West Coast of California experience earthquakes? The San Andreas Fault

What factors contributed to the development of the megalopolis from Boston to Washington D.C.? Transportation Routes Economic Development

Why did settlers move west during early exploration and settlement? Access to Natural Resources

Name the United States regions. West Midwest Northeast South

What type of region is depicted in the pictures? New York Functional San Francisco Houston

Canada has national health insurance Canada has national health insurance. Where on an economic spectrum would you locate it? A D C B

Which of the following is an example of cultural convergence? The spreading of ideals and philosophies

What agreement changed trade patterns between the U.S. and Canada? NAFTA

Which age group has the highest male population? Female population?

Which of these countries is not part of North America: Canada, Argentina, Haiti, or Mexico Argentina, South America

Based on the photos, what has contributed to international trade in the U.S. Access to water for transportation

How are urban and rural lifestyles similar? Access to political power

What can you infer by comparing countries’ GDP per capita and their literacy rates? You can make inferences on the standard of living as well as the country’s prosperity