THIS IS With Host... Your 100 200 300 400 500 Storytelling Clan System Winter Count Boarding Schools Stories Absolutely True Diary.


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Presentation transcript:


With Host... Your

Storytelling Clan System Winter Count Boarding Schools Stories Absolutely True Diary

If you are Ojibwe/Dakota, in what season are stories told? A 100

Winter A 100

Why is storytelling saved for winter? A 200

Correct Response Two A A 200

What is given to a storyteller before they tell stories? A 300

Tobacco A 300

What are two types of traditional stories? A 400

Correct Response Four A A 400

What are two reasons for telling traditional stories? A 500

Correct Response Five A A 500

Why did the creator send down animal ancestors to the Ojibwe? B 100

Correct Response One B B 100

What were the first 5 animal ancestors? B 200

Correct Response Two B B 200

What qualities did the Crane bring? B 300

Correct Response Three B B 300

How do you get a clan? B 400

Correct Response Four B B 400

What are the rules of being in clan? B 500

Correct Response Five B B 500

What tribe/nation used the winter count? C 100

Correct Response One C C 100

What kind of hide was used for the winter count? C 200

Correct Response Two C C 200

Who kept the winter count? C 300

Correct Response Three C C 300


When did the principal people get together to decide on what event to use? C 400

Correct Response Four C C 400

What did the historian use to make the pictures? C 500

Correct Response Five C C 500

What was the name of the most famous Boarding School? D 100

Correct Response One D D 100

What are the two types of boarding schools? D 200

Correct Response Two D D 200

What were some of the things that were taken away from students? D 300

Correct Response Three D D 300

What was the food like- examples? D 400

Correct Response Four D D 400

Why were student’s hair cut? D 500

What color were crows when the earth was new? E 100

White E 100

Who saved the Dakota from starvation? E 200

Correct Response Two E E 200

Question Number Three E E 300

Correct Response Three E E 300

Why did beaver want muskrat’s tail? E 400

Correct Response Four E E 400

How did muskrat lose his tail? E 500

Correct Response Five E E 500

How did mink get pike and muskie to fight? F 100

What are Maruspials? F 100

This second largest bird in the world is native to Australia F 200

What is the ostrich? F 200

Why didn’t the mink get to eat the fish? F 300

He was bragging and the wolf heard him. F 300

Why was the creator going to destroy the earth? F 400

What is Tasmania? F 400

How many days did the eagle have to save the earth? F 500

What is the Kiwi? F 500

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