hb'AJh; #r<a'h' %l,m, (The king of the goodland) (The king of the good land)
!yI[; Eye
rb;D' Word, thing
rp,se Book, Scroll
ba' Father
aybin" Prophet
~il;f'Wr y> Jerusalem
#r,a, Land, earth, ground
lae God
!Be Son
~d'a' Man
vyai Man
%l,m, King
rb,[, Slave, servant
!heKo Priest
hn'v' Year
laer'f.yI Israel
~ve Name
yn"doa] Lord
xa' Brother
sWs Horse
tAab'c. hw"hy> LORD of hosts
hv'ai Woman
ywOG Nation
%r,D, Way, Road, Journey
~yIr;c.m i Egypt
~yIm; Water
~yIAGh; The nations
hv,mo Moses
ble Heart
ab'c' Host, army
bh'z" Gold
tB; Daughter
ry[i City
varo Head
hKo Thus, here
rh; Mountain, Hill
lwOq Voice, sound
hr'AT Law Instruction
vae Fire
lk'yhe Temple, palace
br,x, Sword
Vp,n< Soul
yh; Living, alive (adjective)
dl,y< Child
~y" Sea
@s,K, Silver
Place ~Aqm'
jP'v.mi Judgment
lKo All
x;Bez>mi Altar
~aun> Utterance, announcement
~l'A[ Everlasting, ancient
!n"[' Cloud
x;Wr Spirit, wind
rfe Prince, official, commander
r[;v; Gate
~yIm;v' Heaven, sky
Place ~Aqm'
rx;a; After, behind
tae With, beside Or Sign of definite object
d[; Until, as far as
!yBe Between
%wOtB. In the midst, inside
hm'k.x' Wisdom, skill
tx;T; Under, below, instead of
hd,f' Field, country, land
l[;m; Above, upward
ynEp.li Before
![;m;l. On account of
!mi From, out of
hw"c.mi Commandment
l[; On, upon, on account of
rb;D.-l[; Because of, on account of
hP, Mouth
~[i With lae( WnM'î[ i B “God with us” (Isaiah 7:14)
dx'a, One
lAdG" Great
hL' D; Poor lD; or
!qez" Old !q' z" B Beard
~k'x' Wise hm'k. x' B Wisdom
tyIB; House
bAj Good
hp,y" Beautiful
hm' What?
rv'y" Upright, straight
!Ke So, thus, therefore
daom. Very much
j[;m. Few, little
hT'[; At last, after all
qyDIc; Righteous
lysiK. Fool
vd,qo Holiness
vAdq' Holy
!j'q' Small, young
bwOrq' Near
hv,q' Difficult
qAxr' Distant
rAhj' Clean, pure
br; Great
Evil [r;
jp;v' To judge
[v'r' Wicked
ryvi Song
rxea; Another, other
@l,a, Thousand or Cattle
rv,a] Who?
hm'heB. Animal, beast
!m,v, Oil, fat
~G: Also, even
~D' Blood
There is not !yae
@a; Nose or anger
rq,Bo Morning
rq'B' Herd of cattle
hk'r'B. Blessing
!he Behold, if
hNEhi Behold
ha'J'x; Sin
vyE There is, there are
!b,a, Stone
dAbK' Glory
yliK. Vessel, tool, weapon
~x,l, Bread
dd'B' By oneself db;l. B Alone
Clan, family hx'P'v.mi
Battle hm'x'l.mi
Circuit, surroundings bybis'
People ~[;
Tree #[e
hm'd'a] Ground, land, earth
by"a' Enemy
rf'B' Meat, flesh
tyrIB. Covenant
lWbG> Border, boundary
lyIx; Wealth, army
ds,x, Lovingkindness loyalty
vd,xo Month (new moon)
dy" Hand
tw<m' Death
hJ,m; Staff, rod, branch, tribe
rB'd>mi Wilderness
dA[ Again, still, as long as
t[e Time
hl'[o Burnt offering
~ynIP' Face
!aoc Flock of sheep or goats
lg<r, Foot
~ynIëP'-la, ~ynIåP' face toface
~yIm;V'h; tAdl.At hL,ae #r #r Thesegenerations of the heavens and the earth (Genesis 2:4)
ynIT'b.z:[] hm'l' yliae yliae My God! why You forsook me
Wnyhel{a/ hw"hyK; ymi Who (is) like Yahwehour God (Psalm 113:5)
Wrm.aYOw: laer"f.yI-ynEb. War>YIw: aWh !m' wyxia'-la, vyai And they saw sons (of) Israel And they said Manto His brother What (is) it?
ytiyair" haor" hw"hy> rm,aYOw: ~yIr"c.miB. rv,a] yMi[; ynI[\-ta, And he said YahwehSeeing I have seen the affliction of my people who (are) in Egypt
~d"a'h'-l[; ~yhil{a/ hw"hy> wc;y>w: lkoa' !G"h;-#[e lKomi rmoale lkeaTo And he commanded Yahweh Godto the man saying From every tree of the garden eating you shall eat