Your Life What is a typical day in your life like? How long do you spend at school? What subjects do you do? How much exercise do you do? Do you go to any clubs, scouts, guides or cadets?
PERIODSMondayTuesday Wednesday ThursdayFridaySaturday 1. 8:00-8:45German 2. 8:50-9:35GeographyHistorySingingGeographyHistorySinging 3. 9:40-10:25Race Study Party Beliefs :11:00Break – with sports and special announcements :00-12:05Domestic Science with Mathematics – Every day :10-12:55The science of breeding (Eugenics) – Health Biology. 2:00-6:00 Sport each day. Timetable from a German Girls school in 1935 How is this different from your school timetable?
Be able to describe what life was like for young people in Nazi Germany Level 4 Be able to explain how the Nazi’s tried to influence young people’s lives Level 5 Be able to evaluate what the Nazi’s motivation for trying to influence young people’s lives were Level 6/7
Young people in Nazi Germany school School Subjects
PERIODSMondayTuesdayWednesda y ThursdayFridaySaturday 1. 8:00-8:45German 2. 8:50-9:35GeographyHistorySingingGeographyHistorySinging 3. 9:40-10:25Race Study Party Beliefs :11:00Break – with sports and special announcements :00-12:05Domestic Science with Mathematics – Every day :10-12:55The science of breeding (Eugenics) – Health Biology. 2:00-6:00 Sport each day. Timetable from a German Girls school in 1935 How is this different from your school timetable?
Hitler Youth (boys only!) German Girls League
Young people in Nazi Germany School day Boys Girls School Subjects
SimilaritiesDifferences What similarities and differences are there between your life and life for young people in Nazi Germany?
What did Hitler want German young people to do?
Be able to describe what life was like for young people in Nazi Germany Level 4 Be able to explain how the Nazi’s tried to influence young people’s lives Level 5 Be able to evaluate what the Nazi’s motivation for trying to influence young people’s lives were Level 6/7
HitlerMothersCommunistDictatorship FascistSoldiersExerciseReichstag MatchesHitler Youthvan der LubbeRight Wing Nazi PartySchoolsGerman Girls League SA UnemploymentGermanDemocracyGoering