Gregorian Chant and the Liturgy: Rocco Sementelli A Basis for the Evolution of Modern Drama
Abstract This presentation shall, through explanation of Roman Catholic Liturgy and Gregorian chant, accurately document the transition from Church liturgy to modern day performance. By way of analyzing Gregorian chant, antiphony, Stations of the Cross, and early Church drama, the obvious evolution of modern drama from the Roman Catholic Church Liturgy will be made manifest.
In Opposition to Dr. Rankin The origins of such plays [the two genres of Quem queritis plays] can be traced not only to the chants and semi- representational ceremonies of the liturgy, but also to the traditions of classical drama fostered in court circles and schools. The origins of such plays [the two genres of Quem queritis plays] can be traced not only to the chants and semi- representational ceremonies of the liturgy, but also to the traditions of classical drama fostered in court circles and schools.
Monophony vs Polyphony A style of composition having a single melodic line (monophony). A style of composition having a single melodic line (monophony). Known as “Plainchant” Known as “Plainchant” Dates back before Christ Dates back before Christ Originated from psalms and canticles Originated from psalms and canticles Music with two or more independent melodic parts sounded together. Music with two or more independent melodic parts sounded together. Consists of Gregorian, Ambrosian, Galliean, and Mozarabic chants Consists of Gregorian, Ambrosian, Galliean, and Mozarabic chants Evolved from plainchant Evolved from plainchant Gregorian and Ambrosian are the only surviving forms Gregorian and Ambrosian are the only surviving forms
Antiphons And there hymns and antiphons appropriate to the day and place are said, together with lessons and prayers interspersed. And now when it will begin the eleventh hour, that passage from the Gospel is read where the children, with branches and palms, ran to meet the Lord…. And at the once the bishop rises, together with all the people… all the people go before him with hymns and antiphons. And there hymns and antiphons appropriate to the day and place are said, together with lessons and prayers interspersed. And now when it will begin the eleventh hour, that passage from the Gospel is read where the children, with branches and palms, ran to meet the Lord…. And at the once the bishop rises, together with all the people… all the people go before him with hymns and antiphons. ~Lady Etheria
Stations of the Cross Christ condemned to death; Christ condemned to death;death the cross is laid upon him; the cross is laid upon him; His first fall; His first fall; He meets His Blessed Mother; He meets His Blessed Mother; Simon of Cyrene is made to bear the cross; Simon of Cyrene is made to bear the cross;Cyrene Christ's face is wiped by Veronica; Christ's face is wiped by Veronica; Christ's His second fall; His second fall; He meets the women of Jerusalem; He meets the women of Jerusalem;womenJerusalemwomenJerusalem His third fall; His third fall; He is stripped of His garments; He is stripped of His garments; His crucifixion; His crucifixion; His death on the cross; His death on the cross; His body is taken down from the cross; and His body is taken down from the cross; and laid in the tomb. laid in the tomb.tomb
Ambrosian Chant Precursor to Gregorian Chant Precursor to Gregorian Chant Introduced by St. Ambrose around 370 Introduced by St. Ambrose around 370
Gregorian Chant om/watch?v=hIiYbrn ANUM om/watch?v=hIiYbrn ANUM
The Visitatio Sepulchri “Whom do you seek in the sepulcher, O followers of Christ?” “Whom do you seek in the sepulcher, O followers of Christ?” “Jesus of Nazareth who was crucified O heaven dweller”. “Jesus of Nazareth who was crucified O heaven dweller”.
The Service for Representing Adam Written in French Written in French Rhyming Couplets Rhyming Couplets Length Length Non-Biblical Events Non-Biblical Events
Cycle Plays, Morality Plays, and the Renaissance: Noah (Wakefield): “For betyn shall thou be with this staf to thou stink”. Noah (Wakefield): “For betyn shall thou be with this staf to thou stink”. Everyman and Mankind Everyman and Mankind Personification of Death, Fellowship, etc The Tragicall History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus. The Tragicall History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus. Emphasis on knowledge, breaking away from the Church Emphasis on knowledge, breaking away from the Church
Works Cited "monophony." The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, Apr "monophony." The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, Apr "polyphony." The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, Apr "polyphony." The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, Apr