Foreign Policy The nations plan to deal with other countries.
Goals #1 goal is National Security!!! #2 International trade #3 Promoting World Peace #4 Promote democracy around the world
Who works on foreign policy? The executive branch is in charge of foreign policy. –State Department –Defense Department –Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) –National Security Council
How do we deal with foreign policy? What kind of things do we do?
Treaties Formal agreements between 2 countries. –Defense: becoming allies –(NATO) North Atlantic Treaty Organization: between USA, Canada, and other nations in Europe.
Ambassadors An official representative of a country’s gov’t. 150 US ambassadors –Appointed by the President –Approved by the Senate –They live in the countries
Countries we don’t have ambassadors Western Sahara Taiwan South Ossetia Myanmar (Burma) North Korea Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Bhutan Abkhazia
Foreign Aid Sending supplies to countries in need.
International Trade Trade sanctions: punishing another country by not trading with them in certain areas. Embargo: a group of nations don’t trade with a certain country. NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) WTO (World Trade Organization)
United Nations (UN) Started in WW II (1944) Main purpose is to maintain international peace, develop friendly relations b/t nations, promote justice, and seek solutions. Globalization: nations working together