Gymnasium Rheindahlen
Location of the school Geusenstraße 29, 41179 Mönchengladbach, Germany
City of Mönchengladbach Facts: About 250.000 inhabitants Situated in the far western part of Germany Made of 3 towns in 1975: Mönchengladbach Rheydt Wickrath Old industrial town founded in the early middle ages Famous football club : “Borussia Mönchengladbach”
City of Mönchengladbach Our school is situated in a residential area called Rheindahlen, which used to be independent untill the beginning of the 20th century.
Facts about our school Quiet city location Easily accessible from the centre and surrounding areas Good bus service City Library in the building Sport centre and swimming pool connected directly Partner school of competitive sports and elite school of football
Pupils of our school About 650 students Aged from 10 to 18 Abitur (Baccalauréat in Germany) Classes from ca. 24 to 34 students School days start at 8:10am and finish at 1:30pm
Subjects at our school Mathematics Philosophy German English French Latin Spanish Geography History Politics/Economy Education Religion (catholic/protestant) Philosophy European Citizenship Biology Physics Chemistry Informatics Music Art Sports Literature and Drama
Special events school festivals charity walks school church services theatre performances and concerts art exhibitions alumni meeting Karneval celebrations partner programme with sports club
Our teaching staff Mr. Kühn Principal Ms. Piepers Vice principal
Our working group At the beginning, we had 3 working groups (comic and two groups building volcanos) Workshops take place after school on Mondays every 2 weeks Coordinating teacher: Mr Kinnen About 20 members About 8 students participate to the workshops