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Five goals of Foreign Policy 1. National security-creates a balance between the interests of national security and the protection of citizens’ rights and freedoms. 2. Establishing free and open trade 3. Promoting world peace and a healthy environment 4. Supporting Democracy 5. Providing aid to people in need
Isolationism The idea originates during World War I. 1. Isolationists argue that entanglements lead the United States into wars that either cannot be won or have a high cost in U.S. lives. 2. U.S. should always focus on its interests by staying away from other nations. Cons?
Neoisolationism U.S. involvement should be kept to a minimum for the benefit of both the U.S. and foreign countries themselves. Intervention is not always welcomed and can lead to prolong military conflict.
Internationalism Realism- an active role in international affairs is the best way to pursue national security. The interests of the U.S. is the sole motivator for foreign policy. Idealism and Liberalism- also supports the belief of internationalism, however, they consider the interests of the United States along with those of other countries.
Tools of Foreign Policy Diplomatic (Soft Power) a. treaty b. defense alliance c. collective security Economic sanctions a. low-cost b. nonmilitary option c. cons? Military (Hard Power)
Just War Theory Jus ad bellum (Justice of war) 1. State must openly declare war 2. State must have just intentions 3. Is there a chance of winning? 4. Limits the conduct of war to necessary military targets.
Making Foreign Policy Quiz 1. What is the difference between humanitarian aid and economic assistance? 2. What are the five basic goals of U.S. foreign policy? 3. Internationalism: Explain the difference between realism and idealism. 4. What is the difference between isolationism and neo isolationism? 5. What are the four principles of the Just war theory?
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Case Study: Foreign Policy and International Institutions A. Page 460 Please read and answer questions 1-3 B. Please answer review questions 1-3on page COPY THE QUESTIONS