ERASMUS INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES (IP) PIRAMK University of Applied Sciences PIRAMK, Virrat Presented by Pirkko Varis Head of Marketing Studies Coordinator for International Affairs
INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES l PIRAMK University of Applied Sciences has coordinated several Socrates/Erasmus programmes/year 3-5 IPs/year coordinated by PIRAMK University of Applied Sciences
IP PROGRAMMES PIRAMK, VIRRAT l INTERNET MARKETING, IT MANAGEMENT FOR ENTERPRISES AND E-BUSINESS n in the spring 2005, 2006 and 2007 n more than 80 participants from 15 partner institutions, representing 11 countries l OTHER INTENSIVE PROGRAMMES in the spring 2000, 2002, 2003 and 2004
Objectives To give students the opportunity to work in multidisciplinary and multicultural groups to solve real-life problems of SMEs Business, Marketing and IT students and staff members meet with each other, work together and create new ideas Latest knowledge on development in this field to students To learn the subject in a different way Integrated part of the curriculum in institutions (for example 3-5 ECTS credits) part of internationalisation strategy and European Policy Statement of institutions – a real opportunity
Activities Presentations on the topic by Experts Student groups Workshop presentations Workshops Company visits Other activities related to the IP
Participation more than 80 participants, of which more than 60 from abroad Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary Dennis Gabor College, Budapest, Hungary FHTW Berlin, Germany FH Dortmund, Germany FH Nordhausen, Germany International Business School at Vilnius University, Lithuania Kaunas University of Technology
IPAG Business School, Nice, France IMC FH KREMS – University of Applied Sciences, Austria IT Tralee, Ireland T.E.I. of Larissa, Greece Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, School of Business and Economics, Zwolle, the Netherlands
University of Salford, Salford Business School, UK Higher School ”International College Albena”, Bulgaria St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria
IP web pages