MĀLPILS Region Rīga Latvia
Mālpils : inhabitants -60 km from Latvian capital Riga -area of ha, about half of which is covered with forests In the centre of Baltic Estonia Latvia Lithuania
Municipality council Mālpils 12 public institutions – 7 schools, 2 lybraries, Museum, Culture center, Social care center, Sport center Local TV and monthly newspaper 98 small enterprises (agriculture, wood processing, milk production etc.)
Education The first school in Mālpils has been built Nowadays we have 7 schools: Kinder garten “Māllēpīte” Primary School Sidgunda Secondary school Music- and Art school Vocational secondary school Boarding school NGO “Malpils Folk Highschool”
NGO “Mālpils Folk Highschool” The main activities are various courses, seminars, exhibitions and education events for the inhabitants of Malpils in the co-operation with local, regional and international partners
Agriculture and more…
Production Mālpils is famous in whole Latvia through the production of our milk factory and especially Mālpils’ Cheese
Sport center
Culture center Events’ halls with 600 places and 200 places Concerts, exhibitions, events, theaters, festivals, conferences, seminars, courses Children folk dance group, children music groups, folk dance groups for youth and adults, handicraft group Urga, choir, Grandmothers club Rezēdas and other interest groups
Art in Mālpils Ausstellungsraum Exhibitions room Senior artists
Youth policy Since 1998 –participation of whole schools and NGO “Malpils Folk school” in the projects of various education programmes of EU (Leonardo da Vinci, Comenius, YOUTH, Grundtvig) A youth initiative group has been functioned as a part of NGO “Malpils Folk school” since December 2006
Senior policy Grandmothers club Rezēdas Seniors’ council Common excursions, concerts, theathres, interests courses etc. Foreign partners in Aurich, Germany (written communication, meetings in Latvia and Germany)
Manor house Mālpils (1760; 1905) – hotel and meeting place