Unit #8 Foreign Policy Tools of Foreign Policy
Seven Tools of Foreign Policy #1 Defense The American military is the means by which we defend ourselves against aggression—an attack or threat of attack by another country. A key part of US foreign policy has been deterrence—keeping a strong defense to discourage aggression by other nations.
#2 Alliances Military alliance--NATO—North Atlantic Treaty Organization Political alliance—OAS—Organization of American States Economic alliance—OECD—Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
#3 Diplomacy Diplomacy is the relations and communications carried out between countries. Usually carried out by members of the Department of State. Sometimes, however, there is a summit meeting—a meeting at which the President talks about important issues with heads of other governments.
#4 Foreign Aid Foreign Aid—a program of giving military and economic help to other countries Has two purposes: 1) establish friendly relations with developing nations 2) help developing nations emerge as eventual economic partners.
#5 Trade Measures Trade measures—the terms under which the US trades with other countries. Quota—how much of a foreign product can be sold in the US Tariff—a tax on foreign products sold in the US 2 Goals—1) get other countries to buy American goods and 2)get our trading partners to support us in other foreign-policy goals
#6 Sanctions Sanctions—measures to stop or limit trade with another nation in order to change its behavior
#7 Intelligence Intelligence—information about another country and what its government plans to do CIA—Central Intelligence Agency—focuses mostly on countries it thinks might be unfriendly and tries to learn what the governments of those countries intend to do. DHS—Department of Homeland Security—receives and analyzes terrorism- related reports from the CIA, FBI, NSA and other agencies