33.4 Changes in American Foreign Policy Lesson Objective: To understand the end of the Cold War and the emergence of a global economy Essential Questions:


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Presentation transcript:

33.4 Changes in American Foreign Policy Lesson Objective: To understand the end of the Cold War and the emergence of a global economy Essential Questions: What role did America play in the new world order?

Key Terms Mikhail Gorbachev INF Treaty Glasnot Perestroika Commonwealth of Independent Nations Tiananmen Square Sandinista Contras Operation Desert Storm

Key Dates Sandinistas come to power in Nicaragua U.S. invasion of Grenada Mikhail Gorbachev becomes leader of Soviet Communist Party Iran-Contra scandal hearings INF Treaty is ratified U.S. invasion of Panama August Coup against Gorbachev fails- Communist Party outlawed December Soviet Union dissolves April-June 1989 Tiananmen Square Protests January 16, Operation Desert Storm begins

The End of the Cold War Mikhail Gorbachev became secretary general of Communist Party in 1985 – Instituted two reforms in Soviet Union Glasnot- define Perestroika- define Negotiated INF Treaty (Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty) signed ratified 1988 – Eliminated two kinds of weapons systems and allowed inspections of nuclear sites Ended censorship and held free elections

Mikhail Gorbachev

Soviet Disunion Elections caused considerable political strife in Soviet Union – Soviet republics began to break away from Russia The elections encouraged? Communist coup against Gorbachev- fails after 3 days – Communist party is banned from participation of government – Non-Russian soviet states declared independence – Satellite nations left to fend for themselves Former Soviet states form Commonwealth of Independent Nations- CIS – Was not a strong alliance

CountryUnique Actions Taken Russia & The Soviet Union

Germany and Poland Gorbachev advises Eastern European nations to move towards democracy and remove soviet troops from these nations Poland quickly moves to democracy and free- market economy – Formerly outlawed solidarity party wins first free elections East Germany – Opens Berlin Wall in November 1989 – Holds first free elections – October 3 rd 1990 Germany reunifies

CountryUnique Actions Taken Poland Germany

Eastern Europe Czechoslovakia, Baltic States, Hungry, Romania, and Bulgaria all left Soviet Bloc Made democratic and free market reforms – Yugoslavia collapsed Resulted in ethnic strife and warfare Catholics vs. Orthodox vs. Muslims Continued into 1990s required US/ NATO involvement Democracy and Capitalism spread through these nations and benefited US interests Where is one place in the world today that this is being challenged?

CountryUnique Actions Taken Eastern Europe

China Began to reform economy, but not politics, during 1980s In April 1989 Protest movement led by students quickly grows into large demonstrations in Tiananmen Square Chinese Premier orders military to stop demonstrations- 100s are killed Effect: China continues economic reforms- still no political liberalization


CountryUnique Actions Taken China

CountryUnique Actions Taken What were the similarities? The differences

Nicaragua Sandinistas took power in 1979 – Carter recognized government and gave Billions in aid to them- as well as U.S.S.R. and Cuba Reagan decides Sandinistas are Communist and backs there opposition the Contras Reagan sends financial and military aid to the Contras- by 1983 Contra army is 10,000 strong – All done without congressional approval Congress passes Boland Amendment which banned all military aid to the Contras – Reagan administration finds way around it Will lead to the Iran-Contra Scandal

Iran-Contra Scandal Hezbollah took American hostages in Lebanon – Hezbollah funded by Iran Reagan condemns Iran publicly – calls for Western Nations to stop selling Iran weapons for their war against Iraq Secretly sells Iran weapons in exchange for release of the hostages – Uses the profits from these illegal arms sales to fund the Contras in Nicaragua So? – Violates Regan's public policy and a Congressional Act!

Iran-Contra Cont. November 1986 this operation is made public “I am deeply troubled that the implementation of a policy aimed at resolving a truly tragic situation in the middle East has resulted in such controversy. As I’ve stated previously, I believe that our policy goals towards Iran were well founded.” – Ronal Reagan Summer of 1987 Congress begins investigations – Hearings are to be televised Reagan staffer Lt. Col. Oliver North testifies to congress –North had played a key role in planning the operation – Wears military uniform, has many awards- appears as a war hero- Talks a lot about patriotism and love of country Reagan does take full responsibility- many documents are shredded Those staffers that were indicted were pardoned by Bush in

Grenada & Panama Grenada – Tiny island nation in the Caribbean – Reagan sent in US Marines to overthrow a pro-Cuban government – 18 US soldiers killed Panama – President Bush sends in over 20,000 troops to arrest General Manuel Noriega for drug trafficking – Noriega was given 40 years in prison by Miami court


Pair up, take 30 second to think about it and then discuss with your partner: Were Reagan and Bush’s actions “Yankee Imperialism” or smart foreign policy?

Operation Desert Storm August 2, Iraq invades Kuwait – Iraqi troops moved towards Saudi Arabia If they conquered the Saudis- Iraq would control 50% of Oil surprise Started with an air assault in January 16, land forces invade February 23. – February 28- President Bush announces cease-fire Only 400 U.N. Casualties – 100,000 Iraqis – Most Iraqi casualties were civilians

America’s New Foreign Policy Pro-intervention As world’s only super power we have responsibility to rest of the world Must step into regional conflicts to protect civilians and American interests What are some places we have intervened in recently? Anti- intervention Intervention in regional conflicts is a waste of resources Puts Americans in harms way and dangerous situations Generally do not work and do not address the underlying issues of the conflict Where do you stand?

Quiz 33.4 Who became general secretary of the Communist Party in 1986? System of economic reforms instituted in the Soviet Union. Rebel group supported by Reagan in Nicaragua. Which Lt. Col. famously testified to Congress on the Iran-Contra Scandal? Launched to liberate Kuwait from Iraq.