Independent Study
Students must engage in an unfamiliar cinematic tradition (artistic method, style, movement or genre). The student must research this tradition and incorporate that research into the script.
Independent Study The IS must be based on a topic related to film history and/or film theory Film theory - explaining the nature of films and how they produce emotional and mental effects on the audience. Film History - the development of film art and technology through time.
Independent Study Target audience is film students years old.
Independent Study Demonstrate topics that encourage a discussion in cinematic terms. Use a film glossary and practice proper terminology in class discussions. Good topics are often developed around concepts like genre, theme, direction, sound design, lighting. editing, colour.
Independent Study Avoid topics that encourage the student to expend all their energy examining (for example) psychological or sociological matters.
Independent Study The prime voice of the documentary must clearly be that of the student, who will also act as narrator, on-screen host and/or voice-over.
Independent Study Students must ensure that any comments or ideas they attribute to celebrities or others, such as experts, are fully supported by detailed references in the annotated list of sources.
Independent Study Argument consists of points being proposed with supporting evidence from a film clip or quotation. Developing scope and depth of argument means finding multiple examples, multiple sources, and developing strong links between the selected films.
Independent Study Check that all formal requirements have been met. Scripts that do not comply will be kept out of the top two mark bands.
Independent Study 8-10 pages at SL, at HL Page size A-4 or US letter 12 pt. Courier font, single spaced Inclusion of a rationale and an annotated list of sources.
Independent Study Rationale must offer a brief, reasoned explanation of the concerns of the topic in no more than 100 words. The annotated list of sources must include the main source films.
Independent Study Minimum 2 source films at SL. 4 source films at HL. Films must be from more than one country.
Independent Study Scripts must employ an established documentary script format such as “side by side” columns for video and audio (audio in the right column is preferable). All descriptions of video and audio elements must be both detailed and specific.
Independent Study Time code and/or thumbnails can support the visual descriptions but cannot stand alone.
Independent Study Audio will consist of voice/over, direct to camera commentary, sync sound from clips or music. The audio column needs to be directly aligned with the corresponding visuals in order to establish the proper “link”.
Independent Study Choosing a topic better suited to a literary, social or political discussion. Not discussing the topic in cinematic terms. Common Pitfalls
Independent Study Using actors, directors, critics or imaginary characters as host or narrator of the script. Developing overblown or distracting narrator sequences (usually attempts to cover up a lack of scope and depth of argument). Common Pitfalls
Independent Study Topics that do not reflect an engagement with an unfamiliar culture - comparing Casino Royale and Mission Impossible for example. Comparing “re-makes” might be limiting. Common Pitfalls
Independent Study Limited use of sources, often depending on IMDB, Wikepedia, and “special features” material from DVDs. Scripts that are over or under length. Scripts padded out by creative spacing and margins. Common Pitfalls
Independent Study Read the Film Guide (August 2008) Look at the IB supplied exemplars and follow discussions on the OCC. Complete a copy of the Independent Study cover sheet (Form 6/FISCS). This cover sheet has two sides to be completed. Don’t forget to…