Career Opportunities in Globalized Economy Dr. Jeyakesavan Veerasamy University of Texas at Dallas
Economics Continues to be an interesting & complex field globally. Perhaps not as many job opportunities as IT field.
Economics : concepts Saving vs. Spending Budgeting monthly income & expenses Inflation & GDP growth Effect of corruption on inflation? Is it worth going abroad to learn & earn (IT)? Neighboring countries’ economies are important – we want even our enemy to be healthy
Career opportunities Higher studies & Teaching Economic data analysis – companies & banks Corporate offices Contrast to IT job: Your knowledge, attitude and enthusiasm can make bigger difference – determine how high you can go.
What do companies want?
What do companies want? Problem Solving Skills It is ok to complain, but go in with a suggestion to solve the problem – that is what the boss wants. no room for “whiners”. shows your passion this alone can decide promotion! Do not be afraid to try “something” new. OK to make a mistake, but NEVER repeat the same one.
What do companies want? Communication skills Over-communicate, but be succinct and clear – no one has the time or patience now It is all in the way you put it! Comprehension skills – Analogy: summarizing a “movie” experience. Learn to say NO politely Make your priorities clear
What do companies want? Team-work Provide constructive criticism in meetings Ask questions – do not be a silent spectator! Avoid bringing emotions to work Be a professional at work – “Doctor” analogy Value your time and others’ time Offer to help when someone is overloaded Remind people to follow process How can you help to make office run like “well- oiled machine”?
What do companies want? Other traits Be sincere & dependable No backstabbing / favoritism – look at the lives of people in Tamil serials Computer skills - must!
Have a wonderful year at college & best wishes for your career!
Questions & Answers Dr. V. Jeyakesavan