Career Planning INTRODUCTION Explore…Learn…Grow.


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Presentation transcript:

Career Planning INTRODUCTION Explore…Learn…Grow

Learning Targets I can name the job that I want when I grow up. I can explain why I want this job. I can understand the difference in jobs that produce a product or service. I can work with others to learn about a variety of jobs.

Turn and share What job would like to have when you grow up? Is it because you like to make things or help others or both?

Why? Is it because you like to make things or help others or both? Turn and share Why? Is it because you like to make things or help others or both? ----- Meeting Notes (10/3/13 12:07) ----- DEMONSTRATE….with Hairdryer….they don't make the hair dryer….they fix your hair. Firefighters don't make fire trucks, they put out fires…that is a service that helps people. Engineers build design and build firetrucks….that is their product.

RESEARCH Explore… Learn… Grow… ----- Meeting Notes (10/3/13 12:07) ----- Talk with others to learn about a variety of jobs…..ask them why they like the job….to help others or make a product….by doing this kind of research, you will explore and learn new jobs, and grow towards the jobs that you may wish to have when you become an adult.

Let’s Brainstorm Who do you know? Do they make a product or perform a service or both? ----- Meeting Notes (10/3/13 11:58) ----- It will be important for you to begin thinking about your career and if you LIKE to make things or help people. Firefighters don't make the firetrucks….they fight or put out the fire….that is a service.

What is my job NOW? STUDENT!

Get on board… Do they make a product or perform a service or both?