Long-term properties of Be/X-ray pulsars in the SMC Andry RAJOELIMANANA 1 , 2 Supervisor : Prof Phil CHARLES 1 , 2 Co-supervisor : Prof Brian Warner 1 1 University of Cape Town (UCT), 2 South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO)
Outline Introduction and Background Some results Summary X-ray binary High Mass X-ray Binaries (HMXBs) Supergiant X-ray Binaries (SgrXBs) Be/X-ray binary (BeX) A0538-66 (For Comparison) Some results Variation of outbursts amplitude. Orbital and super-orbital period correlation. Colour magnitude diagram of selected SMC BeX. Misalignment effect Optical spectroscopy of XMMU J115113.3-623730 (ATel #2771) Summary
X-ray Binaries ??? Degenerate primary ( a NS, or a BH) 1035 erg s-1 < Lx < 1039 erg s-1 LMXBs or HMXBs. Multi-wavelength objects: Gamma-ray : Inverse-Compton scattering X-ray : compact objects : NS or BH Optical : Primary star, and accretion disc Radio : Jets, synchrotron radiation
Supergiant X-ray binaries (SGXBs) Early-type Supergiants + Compact object( NS or BH) Period ~ 3-15 d Circular orbits Persistent X-ray sources (Lx~1036 erg.s-1) Accretion from strong radiative stellar wind
Be/X-ray binaries (BeX) Be Star + X-ray pulsar Transient X-ray sources (Lx~1037 erg.s-1) Wide and eccentric orbit (0.1<e<0.9) Accretion from the Be equatorial disc
A0538-66 : the archetypal BeX Porb : 16.65 days Outbursts: during optical minima Psuper-orbital : ~ 421 days ( Be equatorial disk forms and disperses) MJD (+2448623.5) Alcock et al., 2001 McGowan & Charles, 2003
A0538-66 : the archetypal BeX
MACHO + OGLE projects ~ 18 years Data used - MACHO [ MAssive Compact Halo Objects] 1.27 m telescope Data available : from 1992 - 2000 ( Alcock et al., 1996) - OGLE [ Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment] ( Udalsky et al,. 1997) 1.3 m Warsaw telescope Phase II : 1997 - 2000 Phase III : 2001 - 2009 Phase IV : First light on September 2009 MACHO + OGLE projects ~ 18 years
Results and findings
Long-term variations i > 90o - α i < 90o - α (where α is the opening angle of the disk) i < 90o - α SXP : SMC X-ray Pulsar
V vs. V-R diagram of selected SMC BeX sources Rajoelimanana, Charles & Udalski ., 2010
28 out of 31 sources show this behaviour. V vs. V-R diagram 28 out of 31 sources show this behaviour. WHY ???
Inclination probability P ( i < 90o- α ) = 1 – cos (90o- α ) P (i < 80o ) = 0.83 Assuming α ~ 10o 31 sources 4-5 sources with i > 80o Consistent with the number of source which get redder when fainter (3 sources) .
Outbursts amplitude vs. brightness The strength of the outburst increases with the brightness of the source.
Variation of outbursts amplitude Rajoelimanana, Charles & Udalski ., 2010
Outbursts profiles Double peaks Misalignment Supernova kick Transient profile. Double peaks Misalignment Supernova kick (Brandt & Podsiadlowski, 1995)
Orbital and super-orbital period correlation Linear correlation coefficient of 0.73 Shorter period : truncated at smaller radius Rajoelimanana, Charles & Udalski ., 2010
Optical spectroscopy of XMMU J115113.3-623730 Exposure: 1200 s SAAO 1.9m (Sutherland) Interstellar absorption distance of 1kpc broad line widths and asymmetries outflow or jets J. P. Hughes, P. Slane, B. Posselt, P. Charles, A. Rajoelimanana, R. Sefako, J. Halpern, and D. Steeghs, 2010, Atel #2771
Summary 19 super-orbital periods compiled and updated their orbital periods (36 orbital periods) . Brightness increases with Colour (MACHO ‘blue’ – ‘red’) for i < 90o - α The outbursts amplitude vary with the brightness of the source. outbursts profiles : - faster rise, slower decline - double peaks (misalignment, from asymmetric supernova kick) Optical spectroscopy of XMMU J115113.3-623730 V Sagittae stars
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