Obesity Research By Gabriel Orellana & Carlos Moran 3/2/15 3 rd period Canada
Has America been affected? The fast food and technology industry have increased the nation’s economy The fast food and technology industry affect the world by increasing obesity rates in countries and they both combine together to make a advertisement that is for causes obesity rates to go up. Fast food companies are spreading around the world and increasing obesity. Because the fast food companies are the ones making the ads, which causes people to notice them and buy their food. Because people have a demand of food that if they don’t get what they are paying for they might cause problems with the fast food companies and it will probably keep increasing because people are going to demand more. The government does involve with the fast food companies because the taxes go to the government. The faster the food companies and technology increases people’s health is also increasing at the same rate.
Compare & Contrast The amount of fast food eateries in the US is about the same amount as in Canada, because they both share common companies. McDonalds's drink size is 50% larger because if there is in a Canadian drink contains 850 mL and in a American drink is about 1260 mL. For the government in America they do involve where in Canada the government doesn’t involve with them, but the obesity rate is 22.7%. In Canada, obesity rates is increasing also by technology and fast food eateries, but at a slower pace. Canada’s obesity rate is 22.7% and in America is about 34.9%.
Comparing With Graphs.
Health between Canada And the US
Fast Food in the US and Canada
Technology in the US & Canada
Health Facts for Canada and the US In Canada, everyone is covered automatically at birth – everybody in, nobody out. In the United States, under Obamacare, 31 million Americans will still be uninsured by 2023 and millions more will remain underinsured. In Canada, the health system is designed to put people, not profits, first. In the United States, Obamacare will do little to curb insurance industry profits and will actually enhance insurance industry profits. In Canada, coverage is not tied to a job or dependent on your income – rich and poor are in the same system, the best guaranty of quality. In the United States, under Obamacare, much still depends on your job or income. Lose your job or lose your income, and you might lose your existing health insurance or have to settle for lesser coverage.