The Countywide Zoning Dataset AIMS Coordinators Meeting 1/15/2004
Assist the public by including zoning in AIMS Internet Mapping Application – a “one-stop shopping” resource for geographic data needs across the county Assist cities in maintaining current zoning information in a more efficient manner Facilitate countywide communication between entities Purpose/Reason
Background Already have unincorporated zoning based on property_pl.shp and subparczoning.shp Already act as a repository for Prairie Village zoning 21 entities within Johnson County all providing data with different zoning codes and formats Digital data vs. paper maps
Data Creation Created geographic data (shapefile) for cities that don’t have it digitally Obtained digital data from cities that do have it – received in various formats Able to display splits (subparcel) zoning by using a geographic approach Developed one shapefile from all sources that “standardizes” zoning fields while keeping unique codes for each entity
Data Automation Two part process: Massage data into standard format –.MXD Merge and dissolve files into one file -.APR
Zoning Database
Data Maintenance AIMS responsibility will be to merge all datasets, act as a repository and disseminate data For those cities that don’t keep data digitally, AIMS will update changes received by or phone Track different update schedules – some entities update zoning daily, others yearly Last update is maintained in shapefile Want to assist and encourage cities with online access to set up automated copy Goal is to publish weekly
Final Dataset Almost all entities have contributed – the other few have committed to sending zoning information in the near future Available on the Internet Mapping Application under “Other Layers” Also available in the pub directory for those with access
Considerations 1.Last Update
Considerations 2.Gaps and Overlaps Example 1 Example 2
Considerations 3.Inconsistency in roads Example
Future Potential Projects 1.Create Future Land Use 2.Create Overlay Districts 3.Create Special/Conditional Use permits 4.Zoning by PropID 5.Additional topology cleanup
Statistics CategoryTotal Acreage % of Zoned% of Total Agricultural Single Family Residential Industrial Business - Commercial Multi-Family Residential Business - Office Civic/Parking Multi-Use None (ROW's etc) Total There are approximately 306,987 total acres in JoCo (including Leawood and Gardner). These calculations exclude the Gardner and Leawood areas.
Statistics Category Undeveloped Acreage % of Zoned Undeveloped% of Total Agricultural Single Family Residential Industrial Business - Commercial Multi-Family Residential Business - Office Civic/Parking Multi-Use None (ROW's etc) Total There are 107,085 acres of undeveloped parcels in Johnson County Total acreage of zoning on undeveloped parcels is 101,346 acres The total percentage of undeveloped and zoned acreage in the county is 36.91%
Statistics Category % of Zone undeveloped Agricultural42.02 Single Family Residential27.31 Industrial39.06 Business - Commercial42.09 Multi-Family Residential30.22 Business - Office40.25 Civic/Parking29.47 Multi-Use24.06 None7.50 Total36.91
Summary Collaborative effort Fosters Communication within and between cities Provides easy access to the public Data usefulness depends upon entity updates