1/11/12CCC-12-CD-01 & CCC-12-RO-011 Consent Cease and Desist Order CCC-12-CD-01 and Consent Restoration Order CCC-12-RO-01 Goodell Family Trust Unincorporated Orange County
1/11/12CCC-12-CD-01 & CCC-12-RO-012 Subject Property Bolsa Chica ER Huntington Beach Huntington Harbor
1/11/12CCC-12-CD-01 & CCC-12-RO-013 Brightwater Project Parkside Estates Site Subject Property Bolsa Chica ER California Coastal Records Project photograph Copyright © Kenneth & Gabrielle Adelman
1/11/12CCC-12-CD-01 & CCC-12-RO-014 Cogged stones uncovered at ORA-83
1/11/12CCC-12-CD-01 & CCC-12-RO-015 Description of Unpermitted Development Excavation of 16 pits, and Deposition of excavated soil and material.
1/11/12CCC-12-CD-01 & CCC-12-RO-016 Definition of “Development” “Development” means, on land, in or under water, the placement or erection of any solid material or structures…grading, removing, dredging, mining or extraction of any materials...
1/11/12CCC-12-CD-01 & CCC-12-RO-017 Development has occurred without a CDP X issued for surface study in preparation for the ARP
1/11/12CCC-12-CD-01 & CCC-12-RO-018 Development has occurred without a CDP
1/11/12CCC-12-CD-01 & CCC-12-RO-019 Basis for Issuance of Cease and Desist & Restoration Orders Coastal Act Sections & 30811: Development is unpermitted, Development is inconsistent with the Coastal Act, and Development is causing continuing resource damage.
Section (Archaeological Resources) 1/11/12CCC-12-CD-01 & CCC-12-RO-0110 Development is inconsistent with the Coastal Act “Where development would adversely impact archaeological or paleontological resources as identified by the State Historic Preservation Officer, reasonable mitigation measures shall be required”
Section (Archaeological Resources) 1/11/12CCC-12-CD-01 & CCC-12-RO-0111 Development is inconsistent with the Coastal Act Eligible National Historic Place under Criteria A and D Criterion A: Is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of history Criterion D: Has yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in history or prehistory
Sections and (Water Quality) Section (Erosion) 1/11/12CCC-12-CD-01 & CCC-12-RO-0112 Development is inconsistent with the Coastal Act
1/11/12CCC-12-CD-01 & CCC-12-RO-0113 Development is causing “continuing resource damage”
1/11/12CCC-12-CD-01 & CCC-12-RO-0114 Terms of the Proposed Consent Orders Arrange for Native American monitors, Screen excavated soil for cultural materials, Document and rebury cultural materials, Restore topography of excavated areas, and Fund a mitigation project for archaeological conservation.
1/11/12CCC-12-CD-01 & CCC-12-RO-0115 Subject Property