Introduction to Space Weather Jie Zhang CSI 662 / PHYS 660 Fall, 2009 Copyright © Magnetosphere: Geomagnetic Activties Nov. 5, 2009
Roadmap Part 1: The Sun Part 2: The Heliosphere Part 3: The Magnetosphere Part 4: The Ionsophere Part 5: Space Weather Effects Part 3: The Magnetosphere 1.Topology 2.Plasmas and Currents 3.Geomagnetic Activities
The Magnetosphere: Geomagnetic Activities: Geomagnetic Storms, Sub- Storms, Aurorae and Radiation Belts CSI 662 / PHYS 660 October References: Kallenrode: Chap. 8.4, 8.5, 8.6 and 8.7 Prolss: Chap. 7, Chap. 8
Plasma Physics
Fast and Slow Wind Solar Wind Dynamo How is solar wind energy transferred into the Earth magnetosphere? Energy originates from the kinetic energy of solar wind flow In quiet condition, solar wind plasma and magnetic field simply “slip” through around the magnetopause. There is no connection between solar wind magnetic field and Earth magnetic field During the presence of southward interplanetary magnetic field, magnetic reconnection opens the Earth magnetic field. The connected flow between solar wind and magnetosphere generates the electric dynamo field (or convection electric field) that powers the systems
Fast and Slow Wind Open Magnetosphere The Dungey reconnection model When SW B field is southward, magnetic reconnection causes the dayside closed field to open up, and connect with SW B field. Magnetic reconnection Open field
Fast and Slow Wind Solar Wind Dynamo Electric dynamo (or induction) field, driven by SW flow, is given by Electric dynamo field enters the magnetosphere when Earth magnetic field line is open One footpoint rooted on the surface of the Earth One footpoint connected with the solar wind magnetic field Because Bs, Electric dynamo field always points from dawn to dust E dyn
Plasma Convection (1) -> (9), a cycle of magnetic field transport, along with a large scale plasma convection (or transport) (1) reconnection at magnetopause creates partial IP and partial magnetospheric field (6) reconnection at plasma sheet creates purely IP and purely magnetospheric field
Plasma Convection In the magnetosphere, plasma drifts back in the anti-Sun direction The return flow is driven by E X B drift At (9), the magnetic field returns to the dayside at low latitude
Magnetospheric Substorm The release of energy and plasma convected into the magnetotail plasma sheet causes magnetic substorm. It undergoes (1) growth phase, (2) expansion phase, (3) recovery phase Growth phase About 1 hour Enhanced magnetic field in the magneto-tail lobes Energy and plasma accumulation in the plasma sheet Narrowing of the plasma sheet thickness
Magnetospheric Substorm DNL: Distant Neutral Line NENL: Near Earth Neutral Line
Magnetospheric Substorm Expansion phase About 1- 2 hour Energy release through night side reconnection Injection energetic particles into the inner magnetosphere Tailward plasmoid release Plasma sheet heating Aurora brightening and aurora arc expanding Depression of geomagnetic field,
Magnetospheric Substorm During the substorm, instability causes current disruption in the neutral sheet Neutral sheet current is diverted through the ionosphere, producing strong polar electrojet, as seen in AE (Aurora Electrojet) index Current disruption causes strong electric field to accelerate particles, producing aurorae Substorm Current Wedge
Magnetospheric storm Large and prolonged disturbances of the magnetosphere, i.e., southward B larger than 10 nT for more than three hours. Main phase lasts for several hours Recovery phase lasts for several days Strong depression of the Dst index (e.g., < -100 nT), due to significant increase of the ring current Geogagnetic storm main phase may have several substorms superposed.
Geomagnetic Indices Dst (Disturbance Storm Time) index: measure the excursion of the equatorial horizontal magnetic component compared with quiet time Dst index is related to the low latitude ring current AE (Auroral Electrojet) index: measure the magnetic excursion at high latitude AA index: measure the magnetic excursion at middle latitude K index: quasi-logarithmic number between 0 and 9 in every three-hour interval A index: average of the eight daily K indices
Continued on November 12, 2009
Aurora Under normal condition, a colored arc extending from east to west Under geomagnetically disturbed conditions, aurora brightens, highly structured, moves equatorwards, and changes fast
Aurora Aurora has been wrongly interpreted as reflection of the sun light In 18 th century, triangulation method found the height to be ~ 100 km. In 19 th century, spectroscopic analysis showed emissions of many forbidden lines, thus from discharge of excited gas
Arc, Band, Patch, Ray
Aurora Form Diffuse at quiet time Discrete at disturbance time: arcs, bands, rays, patches Height: > 100 km Orientation Vertical: along the magnetic field line Horizontal: primarily east-west direction Colors and emitting elements O: red (630.0 nm, nm), yellow-green (557.7 nm) N 2 + : blue-violet (391.4 nm – 470 nm) N 2 : dark red (650 nm – 680 nm) Intensity: up to a few 100 kR (kilo Rayleigh) (1 R = photons m -2 s -1, unit of luminous flux)
Aurora Aurorae are caused by the incidence of energetic particles onto the upper atmosphere Particles move-in along the magnetic field lines connecting to the plasma sheet The particles are mostly electrons in the energy range of ~100 ev to 10 kev. Ions are also observed
Aurora: Excitation Collisional Excitation Collisonal Excitation and Ionization Auroral lines are emitted in the entire range from UV to IR
Fast and Slow Wind Auroral Oval Auroral oval A ring-like region around each polar cap Aurorae are mostly in the night region Auraral oval is actually formed by the footpoints of the field lines in the plasma sheet 68°-72°
Fast and Slow Wind Radiation Belt Populated by high energetic particles Particles are trapped by the Earth’s magnetic field Also called Van Allen Radiation Belt, discovered in 1958 South Atlantic Anomoly
Fast and Slow Wind Radiation Belt Inner belt Populated by protons > 30 Mev L=[1.2,2], max at 1.5 Outer belt Populated by electrons > 1.6 Mev L=[3,4], max at 3.5
Fast and Slow Wind Radiation Belt Source of Particles in the Inner Belt CRAND (Cosmic Ray Albedo Neutron Decay): Nuclei from the galactic cosmic radiation penetrate deep into the atmosphere and interact with the atmospheric gas, producing energetic neutrons Neutrons can propagate into the radiation belt without difficulty Neutrons are not stable, decaying into protons Source of particles in the Outer Belt Influx of particles from the outer magnetosphere Increased during higher geomagnetic activity
Fast and Slow Wind Radiation Belt Losses of Particles Particles losses are always due to the interaction with the dense atmospheric gas at the low latitude, when the particles enter the loss cone Charged particles are scattered into the loss cone through interaction with other charged particles Scattering occur due to pitch angle scattering at electrostatic wave or electromagnetic waves Due to the distortion of the magnetic structure during geomagnetic storms Due to charge exchange: exchange with a low energy neutron hydrogen, and become a neutral particle that is not guided by the magnetic field line any more.
The End