Numbers Dot Cards with Bears Match the correct amount of bears and color to each dot card. Count the bears and then ask “How many bears/dots are there?”
NUMBERS Felt Ladybugs with Spots Put the correct amount of felt spots on the correct ladybug. Put 1 dot on the first one, 2 dots on the second, 3 dots on the third…etc.
SHAPES & FORM Tape and Shapes Use the tape to make shapes on the floor. Have the children take turns laying construction sheet shape on top of the shape made on the floor. We could even use a small bean bag and throw the bean bag at the tape shapes on the floor, and where the bean bag lands is the shape you need to match.
SHAPES & FORM Mix N’ Match Shapes Have the children find the match and make a shape. Let them experiment.
CLASSIFICATION AND SORTING Color Sorting Mats w/ Bear Sorters Match color bear sorters with color sorting mats.
CLASSIFICATION AND SORTING Color Hunt Gove the children a paper bag and have them search the room for items that match the color on the bag. Have them share what they have found. Maybe they found something multi-colored, could it go into a different colored bag?
COMPARING AND ORDERING Weight Comparison Gather some random materials. Encourage children to identify which object is heaviest, heavier, lightest, and lighter.
COMPARING AND ORDERING Height Chart with Animals Use the tape to mark on the wall every 6 inches to make a height chart. Put pictures of animals at their height. We can compare our height to the height of other animals. To make it more interesting, print out some interesting facts about the animals too.