+ Date : 22 Oct 2014 Digital Publishing Tools Design
Tonight ✤ WordPress Lab
+ WordPress One-click install Basic configuration Install a free theme
+ WordPress Installation Login to your hosting company Find your dashboard (probably cPanel) Find one-click installs If you have the ability to change the table prefix from wp_, the default, do so. (security)
+ 5-minute install
+ Check your ! You’ll get an when the installation is complete Click the link (yourblog.com/wp-login.php) and login using the alternative admin name / psw that you create You’ll be in your dashboard (If you haven’t logged in to WordPress.com …. Do it now)
+ Dashboard
+ JetPack
+ WP Customization Specific changes in the Dashboard (Chapter 3, Using WordPress): Settings -> General : Title/Subtitle; Time-zone; date format; time format Settings -> Permalinks : change permalink structure (factors to consider) Settings -> Discussion : Review settings/make recommendations Users -> Users -> Authors & Users : Set up new admin and disable default admin privileges or delete account (security) Settings -> Writing : Disable “Post Via ” and “Remote Publishing” unless you plan to do these things. Note: “Remote Publishing” must be turned on to use ScribeFire or iPad/iPhone apps
+ Themes
+ Install Themes Upload zipped file Search (WordPress.org)
+ Contact Kathy E Gill kegill at uw dot edu or gmail This lecture: