PowerPoint Presentation 8/9/07 If You Give a Mouse a Cookie Written by: Laura Joffe Numeroff Web Quest Created by: Amanda Nehmer PowerPoint Presentation 8/9/07
Introduction What would happen if you gave a mouse a cookie? Would he want a…
Get ready to use your imagination! As we begin a great mouse adventure!
Task Visit the Author Search Vocabulary Words Graphing Cookies Patterning Cookies Scavenger Hunt Listen to the Story
Process Click on the picture to open each link Meet the Author Search for Vocabulary Words Cookie Patterns Cookie Recipes Graph Favorite Cookies with Class Read the Story with your Teacher Scavenger Hunt
Evaluation Beginning Developing Completed Score Listening Skills Student was unable to listen to story Student was able to listen to most of story Student listened to entire story Patterning/Graphing Skills Student was unable to graph or pattern cookies Student was able to complete at least one worksheet Student successfully completed both worksheets Alphabetic Knowledge Student did not attempt word search Student attempted some of word search Student successfully completed word search Following Directions Student could not work cooperatively in a group Student could follow only partial directions Student successfully completed all directions
Conclusion So what happens if you give a mouse a cookie? He’s probably going to take you on a wild and fun adventure!! Hope you enjoyed all the fun and exciting activities. Remember that Laura Joffe Numeroff has several more exciting books that she would love to share with you. Click on the book cover and you’ll be off again on another adventure!! Happy Reading!!