MHS Homecoming 2009
DECADE DAY Decade day was a big hit!! Most everyone dressed up for the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s.It was so much fun getting to watch everyone go back in time. I dressed from the 50’s. I wore A poodle skirt and even a scarf in my hair. I felt like I had walked right out of the GREASE movie!!
TACKY DAY Tacky Day as A LOT of fun!! It was a day where you could just get up, throw on some clothes and head off to school. I didn’t even bother to fix my hair that day. I had on tons of make-up and REALLY out dated jewelry. Any fashion magazine would have had a fit if they would have come to Munford High School on that day.
PAJAMA DAY Pajama Day is about the only time you can be comfortable at school and get away with it. On this day, everyone just puts on their most comfortable clothes and comes to school. It is a VERY sleepy day!!
Story Book Character Day For Story Book Character Day, I have chosen to be Pippy Long Stockings. I have had people Tell me I look like her so I thought it would be A wonderful idea. I am going to wear over alls and A flannel shirt with different socks and my hair Braided out to both sides.
SPIRIT DAY I think Spirit Day would have to be my favorite Day out of them all. It gives everyone a chance To show their school spirit. We go all out!! A small Town school like ours has a lot of pride in our school, Especially our athletes. People paint their face and Sometimes even their bodies.
HOMECOMING PARADE The homecoming parade gives the community A chance to get involved in homecoming week. We march around the old high school and it gives Everyone a chance to recognize the homecoming court. Following the parade, we have a bonfire and community Pep-rally. The cheerleaders lead the pep rally as the Football team in introduced and everyone comes out To show their support.
THE FOOTBALL GAME Hopefully we will win the homecoming game. We Are playing the Saks Wildcats. It is just like a regular Game except at half time the homecoming court Goes out onto the field and the queen is announced.
AFTER THE GAME.. A big group of our friends always get together and go Eat every Friday after the football game. This Friday, I think we are all going to go to Rookies to eat. We are Going to shoot pool and karaoke. We always have a GREAT time spending time together!
Citations Microsoft Clip Art