Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Click Once to Begin JEOPARDY! A game show template
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD JEOPARDY! Characters I Characters II Terms True/False Events True/False: Literary Techniques Who did that?
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Daily Double Graphic and Sound Effect! DO NOT DELETE THIS SLIDE! Deleting it may cause the game links to work improperly. This slide is hidden during the game, and WILL not appear. In slide view mode, copy the above (red) graphic (click once to select; right click the border and choose “copy”). Locate the answer slide which you want to be the daily double Right-click and choose “paste”. If necessary, reposition the graphic so that it does not cover the answer text. Daily Double!!!
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Butcher of Riga
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD His diary prompts Miller’s search
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Petty criminal who helps Miller steal the file
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD The Odessa Leader from Argentina
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Famous Nazi hunter; works out of Vienna
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Odessa assassin
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Trains Miller to infiltrate the Odessa
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD British war correspondent who remained in Germany after the war; he helps Miller
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Israeli agent who saves Miller’s life; real name is Uri Ben-Shaul
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD War crimes attorney/prosecutor whom Miller goes to in England for further information on Roschmann
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD A novel based partly on historical truth is called this
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Lawyer in West Germany; actually the Odessa Chief
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD City in Egypt that houses Factory 333
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Roschmann disguised himself as this to escape arrest at the end of the war
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD A Jewish concentration camp prisoner who worked for the Germans
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD The novel takes place from November of 1963-February of ‘64
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Peter Miller’s search was all for personal vendetta
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD The actual Odessa file never existed
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD The most dangerous mistake Miller makes is calling Sigi
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Simon Wiesenthal & Eduard Roschmann are real people
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD An example of a contrivance (convenient coincidence) would be the great suspension of Miller’s car
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Salomon’s suicide by gas is an example of irony
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Miller passing people on the road during his search is an example of irony
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD The statement at the beginning of the novel “The detective walked away not knowing how wrong he was” is an example of foreshadowing.
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD The purpose of the tank that crosses the road in front of Miller is to remind us that the Odessa still exists Daily Double!!!
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Confirms Tauber’s sighting of Roschmann
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Warned Miller to lay off his search for Roschmann confirming he is alive
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Refuses to finance Miller’s story
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Plants the bomb
Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Says a prayer for Salomon Tauber at the Holocaust shrine