1 ST -3 RD CENTURY AD Anti-Semitism can be traced to the time of Christ. Many Christians at the time held them responsible for crucifying Christ.
4 TH CENTURY AD Constantine the Great made Christianity the state religion. Jews were ordered to convert. If they did not, they were ostracized or cast out and denied citizenship.
MIDDLE AGES 500 – 1400 AD During this period both the Church and State took legislative steps to ensure the misery of the Jews. Laws were put in place that forbid Jews to farm land and engage in the crafts. The Crusades that began in 1096 put forth an oppression on the Jews that went unrivaled until Hitler’s time. They were offered baptism or death. In 1215 they were required to wear a distinctive badge to shame them. (This of course was copied by Hitler.) One of the few things that kept them in existence during these times was their usefulness in ability and money. When their usefulness waned, they were kicked out. The only country to welcome the Jews was Poland which accounted for its large population of Jews during WWII.
RENAISSANCE – REFORMATION 1400 – 1600 Martin Luther was a champion of the Jew until he found that he could not convert them to Protestantism. Luther then renewed old charges and called for: The burning of their synagogues, The seizure of their books, And their expulsion from Germany. Hitler would find it helpful to quote from and to circulate Luther’s anti-Semitic writings.
AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT 1600 – 1800 This was a time period in which civil rights were becoming popular. Many Jews seized the opportunity and founded new industries and built up commerce.
ERA OF NATIONALISM 1800 – 1900’S Nationalism is the idea that one must support the nation and the people that come from that nation. It also promotes that any ethnicity, race or religion that does not align itself with that nation must be dealt with. In this era, the Jews were yet again the target of persecution. Wilhelm Marr presented a “scientific theory” that Jews were the “slave” race and that Germans or Aryans were the “master” race. The 1870s also presented a problem when Otto von Bismarck released great volumes of militant anti- Semitism.