PSYCHOANALYSIS PSYCHOLOGY Professor Abdulrazzak M. Alhamad Professor of Psychiatry Consultant Psychotherapist Department of Psychiatry College of Medicine King Saud University Course 303.
I. Introduction: a)Definition: - One of the models of the mind. - Observational metapsychological theory. - Experimental and clinical.
b) Functions: - Analyzing human behavior. - Understanding psychopathology. - A comprehensive approach to understand personality. - A method of psychotherapy.
c) Modern Concepts: - Integrative approach. - Accumulative. - Ongoing revision.
II. Concepts: - Conscious. - Preconscious. - Unconscious. - Id. - Superego. - Ego. - Ego Ideal.
III. Instincts: -Libido: Mind representation of sex. -Ego instinct: self-preservation -Aggression instinct. -Death and life instinct. -Object Relation: 1-Loved person. 2-Loved self. 3-Loved object. -Pleasure principle: avoids pain. -Reality principle: learned maturation of ego.
IV. Working Methods: - Conflicts. - Dreams. - Free association. - Tongue slips. - Transference. - Resistance.
V. Mental (Defense) Mechanisms: - Mostly unconscious. - Mostly illogical. - Psychological homeostasis. - Cope with psychopathology.
Examples: 1-Repression. 2-Regression. 3-Projection. 4-Reaction formation. 5-Sublimation. 6-Rationalization.
VI. Models: 1. Topographical Unconscious Preconscious Defense Mechanisms Conscious
2. Structural: IdEgo Ideal Super Ego Ego
3. Transactional Analysis: - Ego States: Child --- Adult --- Parent. Id Ego ---- Superego. Unknown to Self Known to Self B Blind Self A Public Self Known to others D Unconscious Self C Secret Self Unknown to others
4-Self Centred Analysis Self actualization. Real self. Ideal self. Factors: 10-Genuiness. 11-Positive unconditional regards. 12-Empathy.
5-General System Theory: -Self system. -Family system. -Society system. -Environmental effect. -Holistic approach.
References: 1-Synopsis of Psychiatry, Chapter, Theories of Personality and Psychopathology. 2-Introduction to Psychotherapy. Part 1. Psychodynamic Principles. 3-The course Textbook: Human Behavioral, an introduction for medical students, edited, Alan Stoudemire.