O.C.E.A.N Open Computation Exchange and Auctioning Network
Overview Distributed Computing What is O.C.E.A.N. ? The O.C.E.A.N. Architecture. Future Goals
Distributed Computing What is Distributed Computing? History Why we need Distributed Computing? Applications of Distributed Computing Projects
O.C.E.A.N Roots OCEAN (Open Computation Exchange & Arbitration Network) –An evolving open distributed protocol for dynamic exchange of computing resources. –Begun at MIT with other MIT/Stanford alums. –OCEAN already led to at least 1 company (popularpower.com) & VCs want more.popularpower.com
O.C.E.A.N Architecture Overview Highly flexible. Deployable on any arbitrary network of host nodes connected by TCP/IP. Supports distributed P2P double auctions & job subcontracting.
Features of OCEAN Server and API software freely available. –Anyone w. a TCP/IP node can host a worker, auctioneer, or node-listing service. –Anyone can write OCEAN applications and/or submit app invocations (jobs) to OCEAN. Uses open, XML-based protocols. Deployable on an internet, intranet or extranet basis.
Potential OCEAN Apps CGI/Animation Rendering. Computational science & engineering (e.g., simulations). Bioinformatics (genetic data processing). Data mining, machine learning. Combinatorial search & optimization.
O.C.E.A.N. Components Communications/Security Task Spawning and Migration(TSM) Peer List Update Manager(PLUM) Naming Auctioning (more)
O.C.E.A.N. Components(contd.) Negotiation Central Accounting Server(CAS) Trader Job Maker API
Communications/Security Component The Security Component interacts with the Accounting, Auction, Negotiation, PLUM, TSM, Communication and Node Configuration components in each OCEAN node. It provides various security services, which include authentication, access control, confidentiality, integrity and non-repudiation. The security mechanism uses symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic techniques to maintain confidentiality of information; CA certificates, digital signatures and message authentication codes (MAC) or hash functions to ensure data integrity and authentication and security managers to implement access control functions and node security. Security layer plays an important role in CAS (Centralized Accounting Server), which contains accounting and transaction information of all OCEAN nodes. It is also responsible for offering secured exchange of financial information between financial networks and the CAS
CAS Financial Network Certification Authority Security and Communication layer of Node 2 Security & Communication Layer Databas e Security and Communicat ion layer of Node 1 Security Component
ONS(Ocean Naming System) Provides a unique naming scheme Syntax: ocean:// : / : /jobid Implementation provides wrappers to work with parts of names All modules are served by Naming Directory services will be added through JNDI in future
ONS TSM Returned name Destination address, port OCEAN Node 1 Name sent to other Ocean node Name sent as a parameter ONS Security / Communic AUCTION Auction, jobid OCEAN Node 2 Name received from other node Jobid Job Security / Communic
Task Spawning and Migration
The TSM obtains Task Sender information from the Trader Layer subsystem and migrates Ocean tasks from the buyer ( Task Sender ) to the seller ( Task Receiver ) through the Communication/Security Layer. Node 1 Node 2 Trader TSM Communication /Security Auction Nego. Web Server Trader TSM Communication / Security Auction Nego. TSM Architecture
PLUM The PLUM is acronym for Peer List Update Manager The role of PLUM is to maintain a list of peer’s with which transactions can be performed The PLUM component is present in each OCEAN node. The PLUM is primarily used by Auction component.
PLUM The components PLUM interacts with. –The PLUM mainly interacts with Communication and Security component. What the PLUM needs. –The PLUM may need some sort of lightweight database or persistence manager. The stages of operation of PLUM. –Registration Stage –Maintenance Stage –Termination Stage
LOCATION another OCEAN node - potential peer to node 1 OCEAN node 1 Auction PLUM Security/ communic. Negotiator Node config./ maint./oper. interface PLUM Security/ communic.
ARCHITECTURE Peer Peer List Configuration PeerEditor Ordering CheckUnique PreferenceChecker BlackList TransferPeerList Adder PLUM InterfacesQuery Manager Other Node Other Components
Negotiation Component This is a higher level Component Gets peer list from auction layer and negotiates with the nodes in the peer list Chooses a winning node based on the negotiations Gives the winning node address to the TSM component Improvements: –Include multiple simultaneous negotiations with several nodes –Include level of negotiation –Include history of past negotiations to make better negotiations in the future.
Buyer Seller Signed contract BuyerSeller Modify proposal New proposal Signed contract contract 1.No Negotiation. The buyer sends the contract and the seller signs the contract and sends it back. 2.Negotiation where the buyer sends a counter proposal and the seller adjusts to meet the new proposal. contract Negotiation Examples
CAS (Central Accounting Server) High level component in the OCEAN architecture. Connecting with financial network and local accounting layer through security and communication layer. To maintain OCEAN account in a secure location. To provide a connection between the OCEAN network and real-world financial networks. To communicate critical information to the local accounting system. Implementation using Oracle and JDBC.
Negotiation Layer CAS Security and Communication Layer Financial Network Local Accounting Layer CAS
Functionality Utilitarian functionality. XML Document Generators. Libraries. OCEAN API
Motivation Application produces the proper results. Application does not do anything malicious. Estimate cost of execution in OCEAN. Design Support OCEAN API. Free Auctions Nodes as Threads. No Auctioning Required! OCEAN SIMULATOR
Future Goals Implement beta version 1 of O.C.E.A.N by the end of fall semester. Deploy O.C.E.A.N. so that it can be tested by various distributed applications simultaneously being developed. Improve the higher layer components like Auction and Negotiation by adding more functionality.