Michael W Cerkas, MSOctober 30, Letters, 4 Vowels, Both are Nouns... What’s The Hype?
Michael W Cerkas, MSOctober 30, 2000 n In 1900, 85% of US Workers were in Agriculture; today < 3%. n In 1950, 73% of US Workers were in Manufacturing; today < 15%. n Today, nearly 45% of US Workers are in Data Services Careers. n By 1991, for the first time, companies spent more on computer, communication and technology equipment than on industrial, mining, farming and construction equipment. n Today, nearly 30 million people carry pagers. n There has been more information produced in the last 30 years than during the previous 5000 years. n In 1982, there were about 32,000 robots being used in the US; today there are nearly 25 million. So, what about Management & Leadership?
Michael W Cerkas, MSOctober 30, 2000 n Evolved over the last 100 years n Needed to Build Industrial Infrastructure for Complex Organizations n Brought Order and Consistency n Addressed Large Size, Technology Use and Geographic Dispersion of business n Railroads, Steel Mills, Auto Companies, Utilities, Military
Michael W Cerkas, MSOctober 30, 2000 n Ageless n Needed to Produce Movement n Establishes Vision n Produces Change n Addresses Human Spirit, Emotion, Values and Culture/Community n Entrepreneur, Consultant, Knowledge- Worker, Analyst, Engineer, Accountant
Michael W Cerkas, MSOctober 30, 2000 n Both Decide What Needs To Be Done n Both Create Networks Of People n Both Establish Relationships n Both Have Mechanisms For Ensuring Results n Both are Complete Action Systems
Michael W Cerkas, MSOctober 30, 2000 Management Leadership Management Leadership n Planning/Budgeting n Organizing/Staffing n Controlling/Problem Solving n Predictability, Order, Consistency n Establishing Direction n Aligning People n Motivating/Inspiring n Change, Motivation, Innovation Agenda Network Execution Outcomes Both are needed, to different degrees, at different times...
Michael W Cerkas, MSOctober 30, 2000 The Times Have Changed In the 70’s, the business environment was favorable and saw minimal change… In the 80’s, the ground rules for the business environment began to change; deregulation & competition… In the 90’s, the core business model began to change; technological innovation, the internet, consumerism and labor shortages... In rapidly changing environments, the amount of LEADERSHIP required to be successful increases. For WPS, that time is Now.
Michael W Cerkas, MSOctober 30, 2000 You are Managing You are Leading You are Managing You are Leading n Use the power of logic n Focus on Strategy n Seek Markets n Correct Weaknesses n Instruct n Utilize Authority n Look for Stability n Duplicate n See Complexity n React n Refine n Ask How n Compensate People n Use the power of intuition n Focus on culture n Serve People n Build on Strengths n Inspire n Apply influence n Thrive on Crisis n Originate n See Simplicity n Proact n Revolutionize n Wonder Why n Satisfy People when you… when you...
Michael W Cerkas, MSOctober 30, 2000 n Servant Leadership n Creating and Communicating Vision n Promoting and Initiating Change n Building Partnerships n Valuing Diversity n Managing Information & Technology n Achieving Personal Balance * Gartner Group Study: Sheila Murray Bethel
Michael W Cerkas, MSOctober 30, 2000 “All the great leaders have had one characteristic in common: it was the willingness to confront unequivocally the major anxiety of their people in their time. This, and not much else, is the essence of leadership.”
Michael W Cerkas, MSOctober 30, 2000 “If one had to name a single, all- purpose instrument of leadership, it would be communication.”
Michael W Cerkas, MSOctober 30, 2000 Bibliography n Adams, John D., Ph.D.; Transforming Leadership: From Vision To Results n Amusala, Stephen O; Leadership n Gartner Group; The Criticality of Leadership with Sheila Murray Bethel n The Institute For Management Excellence; November 1996, Management vs. Leadership n Kotter, John P; A Force For Change; How Leadership Differs From Management