Pavel Petrovich Bazhov Pavel Petrovich Bazhov is the most well-known Ural writer. He is the founder of a specific Urals literary genre- the Urals skaz. He was born in 1879 in Syssert to a family of a mining worker.
His first book “The Urals True Stories” was published in Bazhov knew the life of the Ural mining workers very well.
Bazhov became famous for his “Tales from the Urals”, his most popular book is “The Malachite Casket”, it was published in 1939
The tale “The Stone Flower” was published in The main hero of the tale is Danila, a young man, who became a real artist. Danila is a talented master.
His imaginary personages – the Mistress of the Copper Mountain and Danila.
“Little Silver Hoof”
Pavel Petrovich Bazhov died on 3 December, 1950 in Moscow.
How much do you know now? 1.Can you tell :- what you know about Bazhov’s literary activities? -why his tales are special? 2.Decide if these statements are true or false. The beauty of the Ural nature influenced Bazhov greatly. Bazhov became famous as a newspaper reporter. Bazhov is the founder of a specific Urals literary genre-the Urals skaz. His most famous book is “The Malachite Casket”, it was published in 1939.