F ASHIONS OF THE 20 TH. C ENTURY -1940’ S Maria Ortiz Apparel Merchandising and Design Spring 2012
T HE TIMES C AT ' S M EOW Classic look. "All my life, I've been looking for class...but this, is real class!“ -Brother Orchid Spiffy "A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous. “- Coco channel
E VENTS World War II began.
R EPRESENTATIVES OF THE 1940’ S. Rebecca The red shoes ‘ When you wish upon a star.’ -Glenn Miller ‘ Startdust.’ -Artie shaw
W HO INFLUENCED FASHION Myrna Loy(Actor 112 movies) Adolph Hitler influenced the 1940’s fashion. Lauren Bacall(Actress) Mary Pickford(Actress)
D ESIGNERS AND LABELS Christian Dior(designer) Bonnie Cashin Mainbocher(designer)
SILHOUTTE “Off with the swing skirt and on with the straight. Waistlines are now lower and suit jackets long: Skirt pleats start low, very low, and front fullness is centered to avoid width.” &
T RENDS Handbags
TEXTILES Nylon and wool. Tropical prints
COLORS khaki olive green Reds blues
C LOTHING PARRALLES Empire waists and open backs. (1930’s) Dresses with fringe were popular in the 1920’s. Adding a hat to the outfit was a popular way to add color in the 1920’s as well as the 1940’s.
W ORK CITED h&tbnid=OokLjIxood0dsM:&imgrefurl= british-fashion-label/L&docid=jbTJnbLnkM1nAM&imgurl= perry- logo.jpg&w=356&h=339&ei=r_RDT6Fq6KDYBbnt9aUI&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=347&sig= &page=3&tbnh=136&tbnw=142&start=55&ndsp=30&ved=0COUCEK0DMEU&tx=93&ty= qid= AAd7kC8 l0l0l0l180l866l3.5l9l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1366&bih=649&wrapid=tlif &u m=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=QPhDT-yBMOXY2AXs8L2aCA