How to conjugate AR Verbs By: Kayton Fee
What are Verbs A verb: Is an action word it is what the noun (Person, Place,Thing) is doing.
Yo’ Verbs 1 Ex: Yo Bailar (I dance) To make it a verb you need to change the Ar to an O. So at the end make Bailar to Bailo. 2 Ex: Yo Practica Deportes.(I practice sports) To make it a verb you need to change ca to an O. And make it. Practico Deportes.
Tu’ Verbs 1 Ex: Tu’ bailar. (You Dance) To make it a verb you need to change the Ar to As. So it will be Tu’ Bailas. 2 Ex: Tu’ dormir (You Sleep) To make it a verb you need to change the Ir to As. So it will become tu’ dormas.
E’l Verbs 1 Ex: e’l Bailar (He Dances) To make it a verb you need to change the Ar to just an A. So it will be e’l Baila. 2 Ex: e’l monto en monopatin.(He Rides a Skateboard) To make it a verb you need to change the Monto to Mona en monopatin.
We Verbs 1 Ex: Nosotros el Bailar (We Dance) To change it to a verb you need to Change the Os to nosotramos.
The End You know how to conjugate verbs yey!!!!!