(1) Kukui Cup System Design Requirements Philip Johnson Collaborative Software Development Laboratory Information and Computer Sciences University of Hawaii
(2) Fundamental Goal To create sustained, positive change in energy behaviors among university dorm residents. Why is this an interesting goal?
(3) Prior Work Lots of dorm energy competitions out there. Most show some kind of energy reduction during competition. Few track or publish what happens after. If the reductions are only temporary, then the competitions are not that effective.
(4) Our research hypothesis If we can: Motivate students to practice behaviors that decrease their energy usage; Increase their understanding of why decreased energy usage is important; Then that combination will lead to: Sustained reduction in energy usage;
(5) How to test this hypothesis? AugSep OctNovDec Pre-competition CompetitionPost-competition Literacy Energy Use
(6) Before Competition: Measure energy literacy and use AugSep OctNovDec Pre-competition CompetitionPost-competition Literacy Energy Use
(7) During competition: Measure energy AugSep OctNovDec Pre-competition CompetitionPost-competition Literacy Energy Use ???
(8) After competition: BEST CASE SCENARIO AugSep OctNovDec Pre-competition CompetitionPost-competition Literacy Energy Use ??? Result: improved literacy & sustained change.
(9) After competition: Slight rebound AugSep OctNovDec Pre-competition CompetitionPost-competition Literacy Energy Use ??? Result: Improved literacy & partial sustained change.
(10) After competition: Full Rebound! AugSep OctNovDec Pre-competition CompetitionPost-competition Literacy Energy Use ??? Result: improved literacy & no sustained change.
(11) After competition: WORST CASE SCENARIO AugSep OctNovDec Pre-competition CompetitionPost-competition Literacy Energy Use ??? Result: no literacy change & no sustained change.
(12) Implications for system design Fundamental goals: Empower students with ability to reduce their energy consumption Provide compelling educational content that improves their understanding of energy issues User experience goals: Fun Engaging Easy to understand Sticky Frequent visits
(13) Achieving the fundamental goals Empower students with the ability to reduce their energy consumption Go Low page provides energy data Energy competition and prizes provides motivation to do so. Provide compelling educational content that improves their understanding of energy issues Get Nutz page provides educational resources. Nuts competition and prizes provides motivation to learn.
(14) How does the current design reflect these goals? The current "mockup" design attempts to achieve these goals (with mixed success). The next slides present selected pages and the underlying design motivation. Finally we will summarize some of the design problems discovered through user testing.
(15) Landing Page Design motivation: Visitors come in two flavors: - Dorm residents - Others interested in the competition We need to separate out those two types of visitors right away
(16) Landing page
(17) First Login sequence When a visitor who is a dorm resident comes to the site for the first time, we take them through a "first login" sequence. Design motivation: Provide some initial documentation about system. Set up profile. Should take less than 10 minutes (and earn them points).
(18) First Login Wizard 1
(19) First Login Wizard 2
(20) First Login Wizard 3
(21) First Login Wizard 4
(22) First Login Wizard 5
(23) First Login Wizard 6
(24) First Login Wizard 7
(25) Home Page Design Motivation: This is the "normal" first page seen by the user (except for "First Login") Provides access to all "services" of system. Provides "dashboard" with status of two competitions: - Energy usage competition - Points competition Most important pages (Go Low, Get Nutz) are bigger in size.
(26) Home Page
(27) Go Low page Design motivation: Provide access to energy data - Instantaneous power (kW) - Cumulative energy (kWh) Provide interpretation - Are these values good or bad? - Are we making our "goal" reduction? Provide help for acting on it - Watch videos, do events. - Communicate with others in Lounge.
(28) Go Low
(29) Get Nutz Design motivation: Provide access to educational and behavioral change tools - Events (Sustainable UH Presentation) - Activities (Watch a YouTube video) - Commitments (Turn off lights) Organize access - Provide functional categories (water, climate change, etc). - Ensure that students know "basics" of energy for most modules. - Create game-like "leveling" (cannot access all categories initially)
(30) Get Nutz
(31) Get Nutz: Getting Started Category
(32) Get Nutz: Commitment
(33) Get Nutz: Event
(34) Get Nutz: Activity
(35) Complete Pedagogy
(36) Prizes page Design motivation: Make students aware of what prizes are possible for winning one of the two competitions (at individual or lounge level). The Raffle Game - Provide a way for students who won't be Number 1 to also win prizes - Provide motivation for getting points. - Provide motivation to return to site.
(37) Prizes page
(38) News page Design motivation: Provide the "state of the competition" Provide communication channel
(39) News
(40) Profile page Design motivation: Provide ability to change settings. Indicate status of activities submitted for verification. Show current badges earned by students
(41) Profile page
(42) Learn page Design motivation: Need a way for students who are confused to get help and access to documentation about competition.
(43) Learn page
(44) Results from User Testing
(45) Problem: Help Contextual help Need a way to explain system facilities to users in a "just in time" basis. Currently, mockup pops up modal dialogs to explain pages on first access. What is the best way to provide contextual help in this system?
(46) Problem: Go Low page Go Low page is complicated Lots of different things going on in that page. All are motivated. Splitting this page into multiple pages introduces additional complexity. How to simplify Go Low page while retaining essential capabilities?
(47) Problem: Get Nutz page Get Nutz page is hard to understand Category buttons not easy to understand "Locked" aspect of buttons really hard to understand.