Compensation Plan Overview Achievable Income Possibilities !!
Phase I ~ Beginning Income ~ Building a Foundation Phase II ~ Guaranteed Income ~ Building a Bridge Phase III ~ Residual Income ~ Building Security 3 Phases Of Income
Organization Volume (OV) The total volume of points generated by you and your distributor downline in a volume month. Personal Volume (PV) The volume accumulated from a distributor’s unicity product purchases during a volume month. Team Volume (TV) The total PV of a distributor and his/her downline distributors who have not yet achieved manager, plus the PV points for the first month orders of new distributors who you enroll, provided the sponsor or sponsor’s upline of the enrolled distributor is not an active manager and the monthly volume points of up to 125 PV from orders of frontline managers directly sponsored by you. Distributor An independent contractor who has signed and completed the official Unicity distributor agreement and whose distributor agreement has been accepted by Unicity and whose relationship is not otherwise terminated retail customers are not distributors. Compensation plan terms
TV Volume Month The period of time used to calculate awards and ranks under the compensation plan. Also referred to as a commission month. Volume Also known as points. Each Unicity products is assigned a certain point level. The points are used to calculate the amount the distributor earns on the products through their expanded team of distributors. The aggregation of these points at each level of distributor development impacts your ability to maximize earnings. Sponsor The first upline position to a distributor. To sponsor is to be recognized on the distributor agreement as the sponsor and/or to have the new distributor placed on the sponsor’s frontline. Active Distributor A distributor in good standing who has accumulated a minimum of 50 PV in a calendar month. A person must be an active distributor to be eligible for earnings in the compensation plan. Manager To achieve the rank of manager a distributor must have a minimum of 50 PV and 500 TV in a calendar month. ongoing monthly qualification at manager requires 50 PV. Active Manager A Manager with 50 PV and less than 200 TV in a calendar month. Leg An entire downline organization beginning with a frontline distributor. Leg Balance OV Organizational volume amount needed outside of your largest leg.
PHASE I Unicity New Franchise Owner World Class Compensation Plan
PHASE I ~ Beginning Income ~ Building a Foundation World Class Compensation Plan
Pay As Much As Possible Pay As Quickly As Possible World Class Compensation Plan
Retail Profit Personal Rebate Fast Start Bonus Team Builder Bonus Infinity Share Bonus PHASE I (Multiple Stream of Income)
Retail Profit As a Distributor you can purchase the Unicity Products at wholesale and sell them for a retail profit Bios Life Slim Balance Super Chlorophyll Lean Complete MatchaActivateKiddo Wholesale 2450 INR Includes VAT Wholesale 1630 INR Includes VAT Wholesale 840 INR Includes VAT Wholesale 1840 INR Includes VAT Wholesale 920 INR Includes VAT Wholesale 550 INR Includes VAT Wholesale 960 INR Includes VAT Retail 3050 INR Retail 2100 INR Retail 1040 INR Retail 2290 INR Retail 1160 INR Retail 675 INR Retail 1190 INR Earn 600 INR Earn 470 INR Earn INR 200 Earn 450 INR Earn 240 INR Earn 125 INR Earn 230 INR Distributor Points = 25 PV Distributor Points = 20 PV Distributor Points = 11 PV Distributor Points = 20 PV Distributor Points = 11 PV Distributor Points = 7 PV Distributor Points = 10 PV
Personal Rebate (Earn up to 25%) Personal Rebates Your Personal Volume Rebate Percent5%25% Infinity Share Bonus Manager Senior Manager Director Senior Director Executive Director Presidential Director Presidential Sapphire Presidential Ruby Presidential Diamond 15 %
PHASE I (Building Your Foundation) Level 1 Level 2 5 % 3 % 10 % 3 % 25 % 3 % Senior Manager3 % Director3 % Senior Director3 % Executive Director3 % Presidential Director3 % Presidential Sapphire3 % Presidential Ruby3 % Presidential Diamond3 % Fast Start Bonus DistributorJr. ManagerManager
PHASE I (Building Your Foundation) Team Builder Bonus RANK DLB IN INR PER MONTH NUMBER OF TIMES DLB WILL BE PAID CONSISTENCY BONUS * Director The 6 th DLB would be Senior Director The 6 th DLB would be Executive Director The 6 th DLB would be Total DLB paid INR * Consistency Bonus is the 6 th Director Lifestyle Bonus, which will be paid instead of 20000, 25000, 30000
PHASE II ~ Transitional Income ~ Building The Bridge Builds Confidence !! World Class Compensation Plan
There is no bridge !! Most Compensation Plans
Long Term Solid Residual Income Retirement Money !! Why should I cross the River?
49.5 Lakh Presidential Bonuses ~ Guaranteed Income ~ Unicity wants you to succeed !! Get to the Security Income Filled the VOID
~ Guaranteed Income ~ TOTAL 49.5 LAKH 49.5 Lakh Above and Beyond Your: Retail Profits Rebates Fast Start Bonuses Commission and Residuals Presidential Bonus
Phase II (The Bridge) Presidential Director 4.5 Lakh 1.5 Lakh and x 6 Presidential Sapphire 9 Lakh 3 Lakh and x 6 3 Lakh and x 6 Presidential Ruby 13.5 Lakh 4.5 Lakh and x 6 Presidential Diamond 22.5 Lakh 7.5 Lakh and x 6
Rank Advancement Overview RANKPVTVLEG OVTOTAL OV LEG BALANCE OV Distributor50 PVUp to Jr. Manager50 PV Manager50 PV Sr. Manager50 Director50 PV Sr. Director50 Ex. Director50 Pres. Director50 Pres. Sapphire50 Pres. Ruby50 Pres. Diamond50 Double Diamond50 PV200 plus Triple Diamond50 PV200 plus Crown Diamond50 PV200 plus
PHASE III Other side of river !! ~ Residual Income ~ The Big INCOME The Actual BIG Money is HERE !! World Class Compensation Plan
PHASE III (Building Security)
AND Every good company doing over 100 million will have people earning: 40 Lakh per month 80 Lakh1 Crore+
PHASE III ~ Building Security~ “harvest Time” Most companies don’t have … Phase I ~ Beginning Income ~ Building a Foundation Phase II ~ Guaranteed Income ~ Building a Bridge PHASE III (Building Security)
Presidential Club Bonus (The Mother of all Incomes) RANK LUMPSUM IN INR PER MONTH MONTHLY BONUS IN INR PER MONTH NUMBER OF MONTHLY BONUS PAID Presidential Director Presidential Sapphire Presidential Ruby Presidential Diamond Total PCB paid INR
Been with Unicity Since September Initially started part-time while working as a residential real estate agent. Later Full-time residential real estate agent. Later Full-time into building Unicity business across globe. into building Unicity business across globe. Currently The Top Gross Earner in Unicity International. International. Currently back from retirement with 100% commitment to build Indian market. commitment to build Indian market. Has Earned Over with Has Earned Over 23 Million Dollars with Unicity. Unicity. “ More that 80% of my total earnings with Unicity.. is generated out of the Infinity Share Bonus” – Todd Smith Todd Smith (Unicity Double Diamond) (Has earned over 1,03,50,00,000/- INR)
Chairman's Club Deep 7 figure Incomes Continue to build while collecting significant residuals Work Towards Double Diamond Triple Diamond Crown Diamond Chairman's Club
First Position Leg Leg ADP ADP ADP Crown Diamond Additional Distributor Position (ADP) Earn up to three times on your volume: Double Diamond Triple Diamond Diamond RANK LUMPSUM IN INR PER MONTH MONTHLY BONUS IN INR PER MONTH NUMBER OF MONTHLY BONUS PAID Double Diamond Triple Diamond Crown Diamond Total CCB paid INR Note: This diagram reflects leg qualification assuming there is at least 2 million in total organizational volume.
Phase I ~ Beginning Income ~ Building a Foundation Phase II ~ Guaranteed Income ~ Building a Bridge Phase III ~ Residual Income ~ Building Security 3 Phases Of Income
Phase IPhase IIPhase III Brilliant Compensation Plan Clinically proven Patented Products Listed in Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR) Stable Experienced Established
A Computer A Telephone A Great Attitude Follow Directions All You Need is:
Generous Compensation Plan Franchise Fast Start Distributor Right Time, Right Opportunity Learn How To: Stay Home, Have Fun & Make Money
FAST START BONUSES TEAM BUILDER BONUSES Getting Started Focus on Phase I (Build your foundation)
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